
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Corridors of Power

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
What is going on with Ferdinand Waititu's billboards? Most of them along Thika Road, Kariakor area and several other parts of the city have been replaced by Uhuruto's billboards. Is it that Waititu has decided to "donate" his billboards for his bosses or have they realized his election is a sure thing and therefore he does not need any more amplification as the countdown to March 4 draws to a close?
A top lawyer who sensationally missed out on a top job and a businessman nearly came to blows at the maternity ward bedside of a young woman who had just delivered a baby. Both men thought they were responsible for the girl's pregnancy as she had been intimate with both without their knowledge. Meeting at her bedside and demanding to be told what the other was doing there, the men were stunned when the young woman told them neither was the father of her baby. She pointed to a young man who had been sitting quietly in the room and whom they had both ignored assuming he was a relative and both were rendered speechless when she told them that the young man was actually the baby daddy!
With the term of the grand coalition government coming to an end and with the campaigns nearly at an end, secrets of the troubled five year bloated government are coming out. Recently a top bureaucrat was overheard boasting how one of the penniless political operatives was appointed to a ministry job. The bureaucrat told of how they saved the man's marriage after they realized that he was spending all his salary on drinking sprees spread over two or three days after he received his pay. Instead of paying his salary to his account, the bureaucrat said they made it possible for his wife to receive a huge portion of it every month. This brought an end to the endless 'camping' at the ministry's reception area whenever her wayward husband 'forgot' to meet his financial obligations.
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