
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Corridors of Power

Tuesday, February 26, 2013 - 00:00 -- BY POLITICAL DESK
One of the leading governor hopefuls in Mombasa has become enamored by two English words —paradigm shift and cognizant. The man has been using each and every opportunity during his campaign rallies to pepper his speeches with the two words.
It seems that in as much as there is 'unity of purpose's the top levels of the Jubilee Alliance, there seems to be no love lost between the URP and TNA aspirants in Mombasa. TNA aspirants in Mombasa regard the their URP rivals as"proud, domineering and vain while the TNA consider the URP aspirants as 'hustlers, sufferers and the Sonkos'!. It is not clear what caused the bad blood between the two sides who are partners in the Jubilee Alliance.
One of the imams in the hierarchy of the Muslim community may not have realized that he was being indiscreet when he was speaking before the arrival of the Jubilee Alliance leaders at the Sir Ali Sports Club last Friday.The imam used unsavory words to describe the youth who in the aftermath of the 2007 botched elections went ahead to dismantle a section of the rail at Kibera to show their discontent. The oman described the youth as 'having nothing between their ears' and went on to heap praise to those youth who took the dismantled rails and sold them as scrap metal!
The public relations officer of a top parastatal is in trouble for his bossy and unbecoming behavior. The man who has an office in one of the city's high-rise building has became the bane of journalists who want to get a comment from him or even interview him. Instead of dealing with the reporters, the man has the habit of referring them to his secretary with the express instructions that they book an appointment before he deigns to speak to them! It has become so frustrating that the press has now opted to bypass the man and deal with the parastatal chief directly.
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