
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

CORD: Uhuru 'opposed free education'

By Antony Gitonga                                     
The CORD alliance took its campaigns to Nyandarua County, perceived to be a Jubilee zone, where it was warmly received. There, they accused a key rival of opposing Free Primary Education more than a decade ago.
CORD members claim Jubilee Presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta is among those opposed to free primary education.
ODM secretary general Anyang’ Nyong’o said that Uhuru and former President Moi were among leaders opposed to free primary education in 2000.
“NARC government was committed to free primary education but Uhuru and Moi were among leaders who were opposed to this saying there was no money,” he said.
Speaking in Magumu, Githioro, Njabini, Engineer and Kipipiri trading centres, Nyong’o said that CORD alliance would offer free primary and secondary education.
The minister who was accompanied by Kipipiri constituency ODM candidate John Kamau Njenga called for peaceful elections.
“Let’s make sure that we have peaceful elections for the sake of the country so that we do not have a repeat of the 2007/08 violence,” he said.
During the tour, Nyong’o hit out at some leaders in the Jubilee coalition over their stand on the new constitution.
He said that there were fears that they could fail to fully implement the constitution as they had earlier opposed the document.
“Some of those people in Jubilee were opposed to the constitution and there are fears that they might fail to fully implement it,” he said. He defended the alliance terming it as a national body that had the composition of all communities in the country and called on the area residents to vote for Raila.
On his part, Njenga praised Raila saying that he had the virtues of leading Kenya and improving the economy.

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