
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Raila promises green revolution in R. Valley opponents’ reform record

Cord Alliance Presidential candidate Raila Odinga (right) and his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka during a rally at 64 Stadium in Eldoret town on January 26, 2013. Photo/JARED NYATAYA
By OUMA WANZALA AND SAMUEL KOECH  (email the author)

Posted  Sunday, January 27  2013 at  00:30
In Summary
  • Cord presidential candidate says his government will make farm inputs available and affordable

Cord presidential flagbearer Raila Odinga, Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka and Trade minister Moses Wetang’ula on Saturday pitched tent in North Rift where they promised to improve agriculture in the region.
The PM said that a Cord government would bring about a green revolution by ensuring that farm inputs are available and affordable.
He added that his government will endeavour to empower the youth in the country by giving them grants to start businesses, and offer them training in enterprise management.
“We can only create wealth if we provide jobs for our youth,” said Mr Odinga.
Dared his opponents
Mr Odinga, speaking in Kesses, also dared his opponents to show Kenyans that they can implement the Constitution by handing over huge tracts of land in their possession to those who are landless.
Mr Musyoka addressed a meeting at Turbo while Mr Wetang’ula was at Ainabkoi and Tembelio before they teamed up for a rally at Eldoret’s 64 Stadium.
 “Giving the leadership of this country to them [opponents] is like allowing a leopard to look after goats and sheep in a shed and think that the livestock will be safe,” said Mr Odinga.
He urged voters to make informed choices come election time so that they do not regret their decision later.
He said that it is only the Cord coalition that will be able to implement the reform agenda, adding that the Jubilee coalition cannot implement the Constitution as its leaders were at the forefront in opposing it.
“They came here and told you that you will lose your land. Have you lost the land? They also told you that women will carry out abortions. Are women in this area carrying out abortions? They also talked about same sex marriages; is it taking place in this region?” asked Mr Odinga.
Mr Musyoka also accused the Jubilee coalition of trying to use the provincial administration to conduct their campaigns and warned that those found engaging in politics would be dealt with firmly.
“The Jubilee alliance has been the mastermind of a massive transfer of officers to be able to use them in their campaigns. Provincial administration should be very careful not to be drawn into politics since this subverts their code of ethics,” said Mr Musyoka.
Domestic feuds
The VP added that a Cord government would fight to bring the cases facing four Kenyans at The Hague, Netherlands back home. He said that he believes in the transformation of the Judiciary and that it was not logical for Kenya to solve its domestic feuds in a foreign land.
He said tribalism, corruption and poverty were the key issues bedeviling the country, and addressing them requires leaders with clear strategies.
Mr Odinga added that the fruits of the new constitutional dispensation would be realised after the elections as resources will be brought to county level.
“There will be no Rift Valley Province and you will not travel to Nakuru to seek services but you will get the services in Eldoret,” Mr Odinga told the crowd.

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