
Sunday, January 27, 2013

LUCY NDUNG’U in TROUBLE ….. Gladwell OTIENO and group want her SACKED for incompetence

Sunday, the 27th of January 2013 - A lobby group calling itself ‘Kenyans for Peace with Truth & Justice (KPTJ)’ has today called for the sacking of Registrar of Political Parties Lucy Ndung’u for gross incompetence and dereliction of her duties.

The lobby group charges that Ndung’u has on many occasion failed to take action while politicians and political parties made a mockery of the elective process.

Speaking on behalf of the other members of KPTJ, Gladwell Otieno accused the Registrar of failing to take appropriate action against political parties who infringe the law even though the Political Parties Act clearly empowers her to do so;

“She has wilfully failed to exercise her mandate in reining in political parties, a dereliction and abdication of duty which should constitute grounds for her removal,” said Otieno.

Among the offences that KPTJ accuses the Registrar of letting slide without comment or punishment is the involuntary registration of Kenyans as members of some of the political parties and putting forward people as candidates to the IEBC without their knowledge or approval.

Otieno says that Ndung’u should be the first to go for letting the parties get away with breaking the law;

“The institution charged with the regulation of political affairs has displayed a disturbing reluctance to enforce their respective mandates with regard to regulating political competition and ensuring adherence to electoral laws,” she said. 

“Of particular concern is the continued disregard of parameters and principles set out in the Constitution and other relevant legislation through practices such as party hopping, the use of violence and intimidation as an electioneering tactic; lack of internal party democracy, including favouritism and nepotism in disregard of the Political Parties Act.” 

Otieno said that KPTJ was willing to take the matter to court to see Ndung’u punished;

“We are determined to use all means within the law, including moving to the courts, to protect the public interest in credible, free and fair elections.” 

KPTJ also warned that it would take ‘individual action’ against the members of the IEBC if the commission bungles the upcoming elections; 

“IEBC must remember that we are watching it closely and that it will be held accountable if it bungles the March 2013 elections. Commissioners should know that they will be held individually liable for any failure of the elections,” Ms Otieno added. 


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