
Monday, December 31, 2012

Midiwo may sue Nation over Siaya governor story

GEM MP Jakoyo Midiwo has threatened to sue a newspaper which published a story that said ODM has endorsed certain aspirants for Siaya county.
Midiwo said he has instructed his lawyers to take up the matter with the Nation, which quoted him proposing that candidates opposed to Finance assistant minister Oburu Oginga’s governor bid to seek alternative parties.
The legislator claimed he has not set foot in Siaya town for a month and wondered where the story originated.Speaking yesterday on a talk show on Ramogi FM, the Gem MP said the statement was affront to the party orchestrated by ODM rivals.
He spoke barely a day after the Nation carried the story that has sparked protest from different leaders and party supporters.“Somebody mischievous is trying to use the press to malign me.
"Midiwo said all the Siaya seats are open for political contest and anybody has the right to vie.He said an impasse between county legislators on how to share the devolved seats among the six constituencies has been resolved.

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