Sunday, December 2, 2012

Leaders differ over kalonzo's move to reject ODM/Wiper alliance

By Victor Nzuma
One day after the Vice President watered down a proposed pact with the ODM, mixed reactions have emerged  over the move.

A section of the leaders allied to the VP echoed his dismissal to the ODM/Wiper alliance while others backed it.

Yatta MP Charles Kilonzo took the lead in justifying Kalonzo's refusal to partner with Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

Talking to The Sunday Standard, the outspoken legislator said any agreement to form an alliance should be structured and collectively involving all stakeholders within the Wiper fraternity.

He said Kangundo MP's and his Mbooni counterpart Mutula Kilonzo agreement with ODM was without collective decision from the Wiper leadership.

He said the VP's decision to decline to honour the agreement was right since he was never informed or consulted in the whole affair.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Kaiti MP Gideon Ndambuki, his Mwala counterpart Daniel Muoki and the Makueni MP Peter Kiilu among others.

The four MPs while addressing a public rally in Mwala district, last week insisted that any possible coalition of Wiper and ODM would only work out if the prime minister accepted to be the VP's running mate.

But former legislators Mutua Katuku,(Mwala), Peter Maundu (Makueni) and Kalembe Ndile (Kibwezi), currently allied to the VP
differed with the idea saying it was not best placed for the fate of the Kamba community in the future politics of the country.

''The fact that the VP has his constitutional right to choose which way to go, at least he should at the same time mind and consider a fruitful fate for the community rallying behind him'' said the leaders.

Addressing a public rally in Yatta district, the leaders said the ODM alliance was the only remaining tangible partnership for the Wiper party to go about successful politics of the country.

They said the unity of the Prime Raila Odinga and that of the Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka could take the country into great heights of unity and development.

They pleaded with the VP to review his stand on the possible alliance with the ODM that they said should also in cooperate the UDF leader Musalia Mudavadi.

The leaders said this country needed a total unity of all tribes irrespective of their regions to consolidate a national outlook.

They called on church leaders and other leaders of good will to try to bring together the two warrying sides of Uhuru/Ruto and Raila/Kalonzo/ Mudavadi so as to have a one united Kenya devoid of tribal bases.

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