
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Wamalwa: No G7 deal

By Vitalis Kimutai and Felix Olick
Eugene Wamalwa has dismissed talk of a pre-election deal designating him House Speaker in a coalition that would have Uhuru Kenyatta run for President with William Ruto as his running mate.
His G7 allies, however, continue to work on an arrangement that will rally support behind their controversial pairing.
The planned deal would scuttle plans for a pact between Prime Minister Raila Odinga and URP’s William Ruto, which some ODM sources recently described as “virtually agreed”. The ODM-URP deal reportedly failed to come through because the two leaders disagreed over whether it should be a pre-contest engagement or a post-election pact. We have, however, established that an eight-member team from URP met at Ruto’s home recently and agreed to pursue an arrangement with Uhuru’s TNA because ODM would be hard to sell in parts of the Rift Valley.
The Justice Minister said no deal had been sealed between his New Ford-Kenya and TNA, insisting he was still in the race for president. His statement contradicted reports of a breakthrough involving an Uhuru-Ruto ticket, which their allies are marketing, underlining the delicate task to satisfy competing interests in crafting pre-election coalition.
When TNA was launched, Wamalwa was touted as a possible Uhuru running mate – an idea the Saboti MP crushed just days later, insisting he would run for president. “We were very surprised by reports that I am a candidate for Speaker. I have always admired Hon Kenneth Marende because he is a very able Speaker. But I have never admired his job,” declared Wamalwa.
Speaking on Friday after New Ford-Kenya’s National Executive Council meeting in Nairobi, Wamalwa indicated negotiations were ongoing with likeminded political parties, including TNA and Ruto’s United Republican Party, but insisted nothing had been concluded.
“We do not want anyone to put words into our mouths,” Wamalwa said. “As we speak no agreement has been reached and no agreement could be signed.”
As Wamalwa played down suggestions a deal had been sewn up, the Uhuru and Ruto camps gave the impression it was more than a work-in-progress.
Sources said it was a case of ‘when’ and not ‘if’ the deal would be inked. They disclosed plans to warm voters to the idea of an Uhuru-Ruto ticket ahead of a signing ceremony at Nairobi’s Uhuru Park days to the December 4 statutory deadline.
“We want the agreement to be signed in broad daylight in the presence of voters as that would be the people’s covenant,” said an MP from Rift Valley. Uhuru and Ruto are scheduled to hold joint rallies in the last two weeks of this month to rally their supporters. The first phase involves a series of rallies in Rift Valley counties spread over five days, starting from November 15.
“We are organising major rallies in Nakuru, Kericho, Pokot, Eldoret, Nandi, Marakwet, and Baringo counties,” said an MP involved in the talks.
 Faces a crisis
Similar meetings are planned in Mount Kenya region from November 20. “Thereafter, the rallies will shift to Kisii, North Eastern, Coast, and Nairobi, among other parts of the country,” added the legislator.
The developments suggest Vice- President Kalonzo Musyoka has been elbowed out of the G7 Alliance power plot. But another twist emerged on Friday with reports Uhuru had telephoned Kalonzo on Thursday morning for a conversation said to involve “ongoing coalition negotiations”.
On Friday, Water minister Charity Ngilu also said her Narc party is negotiating with Uhuru’s and Wamalwa’s parties for a possible alliance pact.
URP officials say no deal has been sealed. Spokesman Aden Duale said Ruto was engaged in talks with Uhuru, Kalonzo, and Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi, but insisted nothing had been firmed up yet. Uhuru and Ruto’s allies, however, say the top two slots are already taken by the two.
Chepalungu MP Isaac Ruto and his Cherang’ani counterpart Joshua Kuttuny on Wednesday took to Kass FM to counter the perception the Uhuru-Ruto ticket is a hard sell in Rift Valley.
“The cases at the ICC facing Ruto and Uhuru begin on the same date as the planned presidential run-off,” Isaac said. “We must enter a coalition that enables us to win the presidency in the first round.”
Those opposed to an Uhuru-Ruto ticket say the country faces a crisis should they run and win. Both the nation’s fourth President and his deputy would either skip their scheduled trials at the International Criminal Court, resulting in arrest warrants being issued, or head for the dock less than a month after the polls, leaving the country rudderless. Some say voters will not buy the pairing.
“If Ruto spurns an ODM alliance for TNA, there will be a backlash which would benefit the PM,” said assistant minister Magerer Langat.
Uhuru’s allies Cabinet Minister Naomi Shaban, assistant minister Kareke Mbiuki and Igembe South MP Mithika Linturi separately confirmed that joint rallies are on the cards. 
Mbiuki said: “After boardroom meetings and negotiations between TNA and URP, we are taking the message to Kenyans from next week so that they understand, own the process, and take it along.”
Linturi added: “We are going out in a few days to market the (Uhuru-Ruto) initiative to the people as we must deliver the Presidency in the first round with those who share our political ideals.”  URP has mandated eight MPs to negotiate with other parties.
They are Chirau Mwakwere, Samuel Poghisio, Aden Duale, Kazungu Kambi, Isaac Ruto, Ekwe Ethuro, Charles Keter, and party chairman Francis ole Kaparo.

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