
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kenyans in Diaspora locked out of March poll

Written By:Catherine Achieng'a,    Posted: Tue, Nov 27, 2012
The historic exercise was postponed due to logistical challenges
Kenyans in the Diaspora will not be casting their vote for their preferred presidential candidate on the 4th of March 2013.
Justice Minister Eugene Wamalwa said the decision to suspend Diaspora voting was arrived at by cabinet after considering the logistical, financial and time constraints.
Wamalwa who was issuing a ministerial statement in Parliament on Tuesday also defended the decision to have the provision implemented progressively cited a recent court ruling to that effect.
He also argued the exact number of Kenyans living abroad remains unknown presenting a credibility challenge.
Wamalwa said the official figures show only 130,000 Kenyans have registered in the 52 embassies abroad yet an estimated 3 million Kenyan's could be residing outside its borders.
He however had a rough time defending Cabinet's decision to deny Kenyans in the Diaspora their constitutional right to vote even as he argued the law recognized the provision was progressive.
"We know many Kenyans in the Diaspora had looked forward to take part in the historic exercise and we have even put a legal framework for that but due to logistical, financial and time constraints, this will not be possible in the next elections," said Wamalwa.
The ministerial statement was requested by Kibwezi MP Prof Philip Kaloki who sought to know the plans the Government was making towards ensuring that the Diaspora Kenyans take part in the elections.

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