
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I will win presidency in the first round, declares Raila

Raila in Naivasha
Prime Minister Raila Odinga addressing a big crowed during an ODM rally at Karuturi Stadium in Naivasha Town Nakuru County on Saturday Photo PMPS
PRIME Minister Raila Odinga yesterday said he will ODM to victory in the first round in the general election. He said coalitions being formed by some of his opponents to block him from becoming president will fail.
"Our party is strongest party in the country and that is why you hear our opponents trying to come together to fight us. Let me tell them we are ready for the fight and we will beat them in the election," said Raila.
He said the party enjoys massive support across the country, adding that he is sure to win the presidency in the first round.
The PM, who was accompanied by his wife Ida Odinga and Finance assistant Minister Oburu Odinga, was speaking at Magunga shopping centre when he attended assistant minister John Mbadi's homecoming party.
Others who accompanied the PM included Ministers Otieno Kajwang, James Orengo, Anyang Nyong'o and  MPs James Rege, Nicholas Gumbo among others.
Tip party leader Kalembe Ndile, who also attended the function with Wiper officials expressed optimism that the two parties will work together.

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