
Monday, October 29, 2012

RAILA ODINGA apologizes to the KALENJIN community

Monday, the 29th of October 2012 - The Kenyan Daily Post has received reports from sources who are privy to the inner happenings in the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) indicating that ODM aspirant Raila Odinga has quote, ‘apologized to Kalenjin elders and to the community if he has wronged them’.

Our sources tell us that Raila made the comments a few minutes ago during a meeting with a section of elders from the Kalenjin community at Pilgrims Acres in Nakuru County.

The apology from the PM if proven to be true – and we believe it is – paves the way for an alliance between Odinga’s ODM party and William Ruto’s United Republican Party (URP) since it allows both parties to put to rest the unpleasantness of Ruto’s case at the Hague for doing Raila’s bidding.

More on this story to follow.


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