
Monday, October 29, 2012

Embu TNA hopefuls clash at meeting

The National Alliance aspirants in Embu at the weekend differed over over the party's poor performance in the area. They said the party is not being marketed in the area as expected because of selfishness, adding that a recently organised popularisation tour flopped because the aspirants were interested in their welfare instead of the party.
A meeting convened at Gerish Hotel last Friday evening to work on a strategy to market TNA turned chaotic as the aspirants pointed accusing fingers at each other over the failure to sell the Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta-led party.
Party chairman Jamal Runyenjes accused the aspirants of failing to work as a team to market the party in the area. He said one is selling the party because they are pre-occupied by their individual campaign.
Amongst those who attended the meeting included Manyatta parliamentary seat aspirant John Gitari, former President Kibaki aid King’angi, who is vying for Gachoka parliamentary seat and Moses Wamuuru,who is eyeing Tourism assistant minister Cecily Mbarire's Runyenjes seat among others.

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