
Monday, October 29, 2012

Bwana Kibaki Please Give Us Back What We Gave You… Roho Safi

By Kumekucha
I can remember 2002 as if it were just yesterday. The celebrations going on in Nairobi at Uhuru Park as some Kenyans pelted the then President Moi with mud. We just couldn’t wait for Mzee Moi to get the hell out ofState House and out of our lives. Oh boy if only we knew then what we know now. Many of us have very deep regrets and if Moi stood for presidency again today we would vote him in again without hesitation. But all that is water under the bridge now, I need to stay on topic here.

We Kenyans handed over the presidency of the republic of Kenya to somebody we thought we could trust. A man who had come to us humbly with his hat in his hand and requested us for the presidency of Kenya. He told us all in broad daylight that he was a one term president. ONE TERM!!! We liked that and it was one of the things that convinced us to vote for him with all our hearts because we were already very tired about people thinking that the presidency of Kenya was some personal property or some kind of royal throne where you have to either die in office or get forcibly removed somehow. We liked this man Kibaki who said five years were enough for him. In those days we were not yetpumbavus nor were we mavi ya kuku… at least not yet. We were stillwananchi watukufu.

Now fast forward to 2012 and Kenyans are very concerned. Have you noticed how every time it is time for President Kibaki to leave tension rises considerably in the country and people begin to die? Let’s cast our minds back to 2007. Many of us cast a protest vote against Mr Kibaki for amongst other things breaking his promise to us to be a one tern president. What happened? He refused to leave and used the very powers we had given him to cling to power. But what was probably a lot worse was the fact that so many innocent Kenyans had to die. He was the president. He had power to save lives. To make quick decisions that would have spared precious Kenyan lives. He chose not to. In fact if truth be told we can scarcely recognize the man sitting in State houseright now. What happened to that humble one term president we elected?

Still, of much more concern is what is happening in our country today. President Kibaki should have left in August according to what is written in black and white in the new constitution. The one he swore in front of us to defend. He had the power to ensure that elections were held on schedule in August. Instead there is plenty of evidence that people close to him threw some spanner in the works and indeed they are still doing so because we rapidly heading to November and there is no sign of Kibaki leaving State house any time soon. Oh yes we have heard all those people he has sent to us to tell us that he had no intention of overstaying his welcome and will leave office, but how shall we believe that from the same man who told us he would be a one term president. From the man who said corruption would be a thing of the past. And more recently from the president who has forcibly tried to push through his own people (not once but several times) to key positions in total contravention of the constitution? Surely Kenyans have a right never again to believe what his Excellency says.

More worrying is that the same trend we saw in 2007 is repeating itself before our very eyes with a vengeance. Until now we have been fairly peaceful but now it is time again for President Kibaki to leave and all of a sudden there is lots of tension in the country and plenty of violence and flair ups all over the place. Is it a coincident? I don’t think so. The stories and information I am receiving bares me out.

I have a very simple humble request to our president on behalf of Kenyans. Please please, give us back what we gave you roho safi. We have nothing to do with whatever personal problems you may be having with the ICC, heck we were in fact victims of the decisions you took in 2007 and 2008 and we are yet to even heal. So please, don’t involve us. Just leave in peace without any more delays. Let the violence and flair ups stop. Even if your people are not involved you have the power to stop it don’t you? You showed us that power when you suddenly sent troops to Somalia to secure our borders (one of the best decisions you have ever made according to me) can a little thing like some tribal disturbances elude you and the formidable security apparatus in Kenya? I think not.

I have used great restrain in writing this post. I don’t think I have been abusive or even punched under the belt. I have not repeated the unprintable things those who voted for you are saying out there. I have been a gentleman. Roho safi please give the country back and retire earliest in peace.

Thank you.

P.S. I am aware of the vast resources being spent to spy on ordinary harmless Kenyans like myself and I would suggest that this is a good time to shift attention and resources away from pumbavus and mavi ya kukus to where they are badly needed. I am a patriotic Kenyan who only wants the best for my country. I am not alone, there are so many others. I hear them every day complain about the corruption and troubles in this country.

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