
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Raila team woos Mudavadi turf

By Roselyne Obala and Renson Buluma
Prime Minister Raila Odinga tore into his former ally Musalia Mudavadi, saying the Deputy Prime Minister’s political career was doomed.
Raila, who took his campaigns to Mudavadi’s backyard in Western Province, claimed the DPM was duped into ditching ODM to join the United Democratic Forum.
Speaking in parables, the PM likened Mudavadi to a chicken being lured by maize to be captured for slaughter.
“The chicken will rush to its master scrambling for maize not knowing it is targeted for slaughter,” Raila said at Busia Stadium where he was addressing a rally.
The PM reiterated that even with the departure of some leaders from ODM, it was still the party to watch in the next elections.
“They are leaving ODM and many are joining,” he said, adding that in Swahili, people marry in love and divorce in love.
He maintained that by leaving ODM, the leaders were creating room for more to join the Orange party.
He said ODM enjoys overwhelming support at the grassroots. The PM told his supporters not to be deceived by incentives from those interested in their votes and their welfare.
“Many will come with sweets and money but they are only out to get the votes and nothing else,” said the Prime Minister, adding ODM would ensure the Constitution is fully implemented.
Right leadership
“The Constitution is just a piece of paper and it needs the right leadership to ensure it is fully implemented,” he said.
The PM spoke after officially launching the Sh3.3 billion Programme for Agriculture and Livelihood in Western Communities, which is 90 per cent funded by the Finish Government. He was accompanied by Finish Deputy ambassador Eeva Alarcon, ministers James Orengo, Paul Otuoma, Wyclife Oparanya, Anyang’ Nyong’o, and Otieno Kajwang’.
Others were Assistant ministers Bifwoli Wakoli, Sospeter Ojaamong and Alfred Khangati, Chief Whip Jakoyo Midiwo, MPs Ababu Namwamba, and Evans Akula and former Attorney General Amos Wako, among others.

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