
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Leaders snub Raila as rebellion brews in ODM

Leaders snub Raila as rebellion brews in ODM

Posted  Saturday, September 1  2012 at  19:53
  • Last Thursday, the PM had called a meeting of the 23 people who had sought the ODM nomination for the September 14 by-election.
  • Some of them skipped the meeting and have been openly campaigning for the Kanu candidate Mr Tom Alila to protest their displeasure with the party leadership.
  • Mary Ojode, Dancan Osodo, Washington Kale, Robinson Onyando, Ted Odero, Dennis Orero, James Omamo, Charles Kanyangi, Hamilton Orata, Robinson Mireje and Daniel Odinde snubbed it.
Ten ODM nomination losers in Ndhiwa constituency snubbed party leader Prime Minister Raila Odinga who had sought to meet them in a bid to avert post-nomination fallout.
Last Thursday, the PM had called a meeting of the 23 people who had sought the ODM nomination for the September 14 by-election. (READ: ODM moves to contain discontent in Ndhiwa)
Some of them skipped the meeting and have been openly campaigning for the Kanu candidate Mr Tom Alila to protest their displeasure with the party leadership.
Party insiders told the Sunday Nation that a National Security Intelligence Service (NSIS) report gave the Kanu candidate a head start over ODM’s nominee Agustino Neto.
But Karachuonyo MP James Rege, who is the ODM chairman for Homa Bay county, dismissed the NSIS report as propaganda.
One of the losers, Mr Jeremiah Owiti, said he skipped the Prime Minister’s meeting because it “adds no value to me and to the party”.
“Mr Odinga has taken the Luo Nyanza vote (bloc) for granted assuming that it’s guaranteed for him to bag,” Mr Owiti said.
Tip of the iceberg
He said ODM party was facing many challenges in consolidating its support in the region, adding that the recent fallout was just a tip of the iceberg.
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Another loser, Mr Ogutu Kale, said he snubbed the meeting because it was meant to coerce them in “supporting an unpopular candidate against the will of the people”.
Those who attended the PM’s meeting were Monica Amollo, Mike Agwanda, David Ojwang’, Agustino Neto, Tom Obondo, Edwin Oduru, Moses Lore, Beatrice Ogola, Kennedy Opiyo and Collins Lore.
Mary Ojode, Dancan Osodo, Washington Kale, Robinson Onyando, Ted Odero, Dennis Orero, James Omamo, Charles Kanyangi, Hamilton Orata, Robinson Mireje and Daniel Odinde snubbed it.
Sources said those who attended the meeting told the PM they were not pleased with the way the party secretariat and the elections board had been handling nominations.
They reportedly recommended the separation of the party’s elections board and the secretariat.
But Kanu’s candidate Mr Alila, who has reaped from the ODM fallout, says his candidature and support have nothing to do with the ODM politics.
“I am seeking the seat as an individual with leadership credentials,” he said. “If it pleases   even people for the ODM side to back me so be it. They are more than welcome. Together we shall forge ahead.”

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