
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Big BOOST for UHURU’s TNA as he joins ….. Full STATEMENT

Subject: Contempt Card for Tribalists

In it’s 2008 report, In The Brink of Precipice, the Kenya National Human Rights Commission included my name as a culprit in the post election violence. Building on this, the NGO Khrc 2011 also listed me as among faces of impunity. Despite pressure from friends and family to sue, I decided to ignore, and i still await any judicial activation by any interested party. 

Hitherto, 4 years on, nothing on. But reputations have been tainted. Yet, we see authors of these defamatory materials claiming higher moral grounds, even seeking higher seats. Even those who sat in ODM pentagon, and openly preached ethnic isolation want to rule Kenya, without even bothering to tell us what they know. And you are shamelessly telling UHURU Kenyatta not to vie because he has a case at Icc? As Kenyans fought and killed each other over election result, some of us Went to our areas to preach reconciliation and peace. 

We mobilized resources to protect immigrants within our areas, and to receive and host those chased from other areas, precisely because everyone is entitled to safety and security. The media captured our efforts in audio and video. Even media knows who’s preaching hate!
We have been vocal on IDPs plight. Yet we can see sustained sabotage, even corruption, in their resettlement. But we are happy the courts are handling that aspect of IDPs ably.

Yet, in political context, villains are victims, and victims made villains. As we emphasized and helped victims, some of these “ex-ODM” and reigning ODM chiefs were holed in their conspiratorial domains, baying for power. Opportunists. And now they are saying its their ethnic time to lead. Is Kenya an ethnic clan? isn’t it illegal to preach tribalism and blatantly blackmail innocent citizens into ethnic or regional subservience and fear that they don’t deserve because others ostensibly do?

UHURU has every right to vie to be president. Victimizing others is what is impunity. God is Truth, and Truth is God. Some of us have patiently waited, for anyone to come offshore, to tell us why thinly veiled political machinations should be used as palaver.

Since 1997, I have stuck with a small nationalistic party. I’ve lost, boldly and consciously, two of the three past elections. To stand with truth, and valiantly face off with merchants of impunity, demagoguery and chicanery, I will move to TNA.

It’s time to give tribalism the enduring contempt card it’s perpetrators deserve.


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