
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Uhuru – Mudavadi will form the next GOVERNMENT - He spoke kikuyu

Uhuru – Mudavadi will form the next GOVERNMENT - He spoke kikuyu

Tuesday July 31, 2012 - The Kibaki succession took another wide step on Monday after Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi announced officially that he will team up with presidential hopeful Uhuru Kenyatta to form the next government after President Kibaki exit.

Speaking in Olkalou Constituency in Nyandarua County, the DPM said he will team up with Mr Kenyatta to avoid a runoff.

“A run-off will be too costly for the country. At a time when we are trying to build infrastructure, the last thing we want to do is spend money on a run-off,” Mudavadi said.

Speaking in Kikuyu language, the DPM urged Kenyans to shun ethnic chauvinism and animosity as we near the general elections.

Ikolomani MP Bonny Khalwalwe who accompanied the DPM told the mammoth crowd whom had attended the rally, that he was a victim of the 2007 post election violence and appealed Kenyans to maintain peace.

“In 2007, Kibaki hired a helicopter to rescue me in Nyanza,” Khalwale said.

On his part, Ndaragwa lawmaker Jeremiah Kioni claimed there was a plot by some leaders to divide Kenyans and force the Rift Valley vote their way.

“We are aware that some leaders are planning to divide us so that in the second round, they can get the Rift Valley vote but they will be shocked,” Kioni said.

Kioni expressed confidence that Uhuru and Mudavadi alliance will form the next government.


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