
Monday, July 2, 2012

Uhuru ends Meru tour with calls to end wrangles

  Uhuru ends Meru tour with calls to end wrangles
Uhuru ends Meru tour with calls to end wrangles
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Updated 8 hrs 0 mins ago
By Wainaina Ndung’u
Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta spent the last two days in Mt Kenya region scurrying for votes.
The DPM toured the larger Meru where he hard a tough time trying to please loyal lieutenants without antagonising a radical camp coalescing around senior Meru politician and Cabinet minister Kiraitu Murungi.
He held rallies at Gakoromone in Meru town. A late evening rally planned for Makutano in the newly created Buuri Constituency was called off.
Uhuru urged TNA supporters in Meru region to avoid conflicts as witnessed recently through ugly exchanges between Kiraitu and his allies on one side and pro-Uhuru diehards such as Assistant minister Kareke Mbiuki and Igembe South MP Mithika Linturi on the other.
The Energy minister’s key supporter, Nkubu town councillor and Alliance Party of Kenya (APK) Meru County Secretary Alhaji Mwendia said Uhuru’s visit deliberately concentrated in Meru North avoiding the Imenti area where Kiraitu is seen as having considerable influence.
Mwendia said Uhuru retained impeccable ties with Kiraitu and they were still working on a formula to unite parties supporting Uhuru’s presidential bid.
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“Our understanding is that Uhuru recognises Kiraitu as an important front man in Meru region. We are even made to believe that he was committed to joining the bus party until influential former Kanu officials convinced him to form a new outfit because they feared being wiped out of circulation,” said Mwendia.
Uhuru, whose rallies attracted sizeable crowds, steered clear of local politics choosing instead to concentrate on national issues and development. He spoke about boosting the miraa economy through building of feeder roads and the Isiolo International Airport.
But while opening the Maua TNA office on Saturday, the DPM delved into the issue of popularity contest between local leaders. Speaking shortly after area MP Linturi had a lukewarm reception there and earlier at Kianjai in the newly created Igembe Central constituency, Uhuru ruled out direct nominations for aspirants in TNA.
“I got many friends, including Linturi, but when I stand here I can only campaign for myself,” said the DPM.
“But I will work with anybody you will choose as your representatives.”
Councillor Mwendia claimed the problem in Meru was not about APK per se but fear among some outgoing MPs of losing their seats.
“There is a section of leaders in Meru using Uhuru’s name and his new party to try to revive their political careers,” said Mwendia.
Speaking during the rallies, Uhuru said those thinking that he would not run in next year’s General Election were day dreaming.
The DPM who faces serious crimes against humanity charges at the International Criminal Court ruled out dropping out of the presidential race for “any reasons”. “Let them continue prowling the country deceiving people that I will not run. It’s up to them. I am in this to the final lap,” he said.
Uhuru visited the families of eight people killed by bandits in the area recently and donated Sh500,000 through the local district commissioner.
During the Maua TNA party office launch on Saturday, Kareke Mbiuki, the Agriculture Assistant minister hit out at some local leaders, but did not name them.
“Some senior leaders in Meru County are seeking to elevate themselves to a deity. We refuse to worship anybody here and Uhuru doesn’t require the permission of anyone to visit this county,” he said.
On Friday, Mwangi Kiunjuri said there was a move to divide Uhuru’s support in Central and Mt Kenya regions where he has a head start.

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