
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SHOCK to MPs: Election on or before January 15

SHOCK to MPs: Election on or before January 15

Tuesday July 31, 2012-News just in indicates that, The Court of Appeal has said the next general election must be on or before January 15 next year.

In her ruling on Tuesday, Lady Justice Martha Koome who was among the five judge bench, said  the life of current parliament should not be  extended beyond the five year term and the March 4th election date is unconstitutional.

She said parliament should be dissolved on November 14 this year to pave way for the January election.

This is a big blow to the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and President Mwai Kibaki who were comfortable with the March 4 elections.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Gichugu MP Martha Karua have been on the frontline lobbying the government to set election date this December.

More to follow….


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