
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Raila declares support for Kisiis in Nairobi

Raila declares support for Kisiis in Nairobi

Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said ODM will support the Kisii community to clinch at least one parliamentary seat in Nairobi county in next year's elections. Speaking on Friday night at the Kisii cultural night at the Carnivore Restaurant in Nairobi, Raila said following the creation of nine more constituencies in Nairobi, its imperative for the community to get representation in Parliament.
The regular cultural theme nights held by various communities in Nairobi are becoming forums for politicians. "I am urging the Abagusii people to identify one constituency in the city and ODM will preserve a ticket for that person," the PM said. The Premier, who attended the event dubbed Esagasaga night, described the community as hard working people who have heavily invested in the city especially in real estate, transport and financial sector.
He said the community should remain united in ODM describing his party as the only true national party. The PM who received a thunderous welcome from the ecstatic revellers was accompanied by his wife Ida, Lands minister James Orengo, Nairobi governor hopeful Evans Kidero and his wife Susan Mboya and CIC chairman Charles Nyachae.
Raila said if elected president, his government will come up with policies that will address land use in the populous Gusii region for economic production. "The Gusii land is densely populated yet its one of the best agricultural land, we must look at ways of utilizing this land as we address settlements," he told journalists after attending the fete.
During the night, Narc Kenya party leader who was hosting a fund-raiser dinner within the Carnivore grounds also joined the Kisii community for jig but did not address. During the last Kisii night held in April, Embakasi MP Ferdinand Waititu and his Makadara counterpart Mike Sonko attended and also asked the community to identify one candidate for any Nairobi seat. Waititu and Sonko said that the TNA will support the Kisii community to get one seat in the populous Embakasi area which has been split into four constituencies.

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