
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Open letter to Miguna

Open letter to Miguna

Hi, Ja Nyando a.k.a., Miguna Miguna, I am hoping that this letter finds you in time before you go to your world book tour. My attention has recently been drawn to your recent expose Peeling Back the Mask. Everywhere, all media houses, the blogosphere, the social media, the Diaspora, only one name has reigned supreme- Miguna Miguna.
In fact the demand is so high, that online “copyright hooligans” intent on growing traffic to their websites- ignored your five- month sweat and availed to me a copy of the book in PDF format. However, seeing that it was a copyright infringement, I closed the window, and avoided it like plague. And with this letter, I hope to share in that name recognition. My favourite word in that book is “clueless”, forgive me if I use it umpteen times, like you did almost 10 times.
However, that’s the beauty of a well written “treatise” in the league of Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince, or John Locke’s 2 Treatises of Government. It elicits the national political debate to unprecedented fervor; as it systematically pokes holes into Odingaism- barehanded and singlehandedly- and in its place giving us a replenished sense of Kenyanhood- and it’s exciting that you are the epicenter, of that debate.
As a Ja Kagan, I applaud you for not exhibiting the “Luo-pride” that has so much bedeviled our community. It was actually fascinating to read in your book that a certain ambassador of a powerful nation actually “tightly grabbed” your hand in recognition of this columnist who flies below the radar.
I was actually exasperated to learn that one of the reasons your detractors at the OPM were jealous is that you had also earned yourself a place as the alternative to Mutahi Ngunyi. It was interesting to read that diplomats invited you to “breakfasts, lunches, dinners” or even paid homage to your office to “discuss politics and other national Initiatives”.
Yet watching you on TV, you still display humility and composure even in the face of launching one of the most celebrated literary juggernauts in Kenya’s political history. This is a truly political career crusher, a true Machiavellian hit below the belt.
Forgive those who are attacking you, because they are clueless about whom you truly are. For example, are they clueless that Ja Nyando and Aristotle, another celebrated classical author, have parallels. These people are clueless that, just like you moved from Nairobi to Ontario, even an accomplished classical author like Aristotle, had to escape persecution in Athens to Macedonia.
Don’t they know that just like your masterpiece of literary genius is a thorn in the flesh of Raila the Great of Kenya, Aristotle’s works incensed Alexander the Great of Greece? Knowing you as an accomplished author, columnist, Barrister in Ontario, Canada, forensic analyst, 2007 ODM Nyando parliamentary aspirant, Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, one time self imposed exile, only a clueless person would fail to see the polymath parallels that you and Aristotle share.
And due to your intellect, Mutahi Ngunyi, Peter Kagwanja and Makau Mutua have been, according to your book, relegated to mere academic and intellectual spectators. Within a short stint in ODM, I'm amazed you had morphed into what Ann Coulter, the syndicated Conservative Columnist is to the American Conservative movement.
MM, your book, the supporters of Jakom say, will only make it to the New Kibera Times Best Seller but they are clueless because your book is destined to be in the New York Times Best Seller list.
Here’s my heart to heart to you- I know it hurts to get fired. It’s even more disheartening if your personal effects are withheld by your employer. However, any anger management expert will tell you that it’s prudent to employ sound coping mechanisms.
The first thing I would do if I were you is that when you feel that you are being insubordinated by “junior officers” at the OPM, then it’s only prudent that you “introspect”, and deep within, you will discover “skills that even Raila and his inner circle”- am quoting you - “don’t even have”.
Examining someone’s coping mechanism is important, because it’s a predictor of future human behaviour. Is it a healthy coping mechanism to write a 617 page treatise, in response to a non-paid suspension from work? Isn’t it PLO, (who incidentally is a subject in your “treatise” Peeling Back the Mask ) who warned us against responding to a mosquito bite with a hammer?
Your fellow brilliant author, Adam Smith (the father of capitalism) would marvel at the idea to pen a 617 page expose about your previous job. Simund Freud- the father of psychoanalysis- on the other hand would be suspicious of the motive behind the entire project.
We, your esteemed readers are in fact disappointed that you didn’t apply to replace Moreno Ocampo, because I find the current holder of that office “clueless”. Such a job would have given your next book limitless material to resource from. Kenyans, especially the supporters of the Ocampo Two, would marvel at an expose of the inner workings of the International Criminal Court.
I also read Sarah Elderkin’s article- and this is personal- in which she describes you as this person who has “grandiose ideations”. Sarah is actually clueless about what she’s talking about.
MM you are anything, but “grandiose”. From your gesticulation, body kinesics and psychomotor, I see a diplomat, a gentleman, the alternative to Henry Kissinger or Colin Powell. I am actually disappointed that they didn’t consider you for an ambassadorial position.
However, I must be honest- you scare me- especially when you talk of “warning shots in the air”-perpendicular to the walking surface, and threatening to shoot parallel to the walking surface, aiming at your enemies, “if provoked”, because at least that makes some sense to pass for homicidal ideation, for those who take stuff literally. It prompts me to ask myself; is it a veiled threat?
Sospeter Otieno,
Kansas City, USA

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