
Monday, July 2, 2012

Merus are not rubber stamps, says Kiraitu

Merus are not rubber stamps, says Kiraitu

Posted  Sunday, July 1  2012 at  22:28
Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi has once again cautioned party leaders against taking members of the Meru community for fools and expect to get automatic support from them.
“The image these people have of the Merus is that they are naive, lazy and foolish. What I want to tell them is that this era is long gone,” said Mr Murungi.
The minister made the remarks in Nakuru at the weekend when he joined members of his community at Kunste Hotel for the Meru Cultural night, which was organised by Merus living and working in the county.
The Imenti South MP, who was the chief guest, told the gathering amid cheers: “We want Merus who are intelligent, competitive and excellent. You should be a happy people who are wealthy and prosperous. We don’t want to be used anymore.”
Mr Murungi, who is the Alliance Party of Kenya (APA) leader, has been accusing Deputy Prime minister Uhuru Kenyatta of sidelining other political parties and their leaders in the Mount Kenya region since he launched The National Alliance.
Mr Murungi said he formed APA after consulting Mr Kenyatta, who was to join him. He was shocked when Mr Kenyatta later formed his own party and sidelined him.
Mr Kenyatta was, however, in the Meru region on Friday to campaign for his party, where he was joined by other leaders from the region.
They included assistant ministers Kilemi Mwiria and Kaleke Mbiuki, and Igembe North MP Mithika Linturi.
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During his campaign, Mr Kenyatta cautioned the community against following leaders who have been dividing people along tribal lines.
Mr Murungi said Merus have in the past been used as stooges, and urged them to support APA.
“As Merus, invest and buy land here — and become part of the leadership of the Rift Valley. Also ensure you register as voters here, not in Meru,” he said.

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