
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Martha Karua begs for campaign money from YOU

Martha Karua begs for campaign money from YOU

Monday July 30, 2012 - Narc Kenya Chairperson Martha Karua is pleading with Kenyans to fund her campaign machine through an Mpesa initiative dubbed Simama Na Mama Na Mia.

Karua who is  the Narc Kenya presidential hopeful appealed to all citizens to contribute whatever they could  to support her so that  she can move on with her presidential campaign.

“It is time to issue a red card to campaign bribery and voter buying. It is time to act. We have sung the anti-corruption song for too long. But corruption starts with politicians buying you and your vote,” Karua said during the launch of the programme on social media.

Karua, who is also the Gichugu Legislator, said her campaign will be financed by all Kenyans through small donations that go as low as Sh 10.

Last week, Karua unveiled her Sh 10,000 per plate campaign fundraising, but unfortunately she raised small amount that covered event fees and drinks only.

Are you ready to Simama Na Mama Na Mia? Then please do thenecessary.......


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