
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Corridors of Power

Corridors of Power


There was a near scuffle at Orange House in Nairobi last Wednesday when an ODM parliamentary hopeful from Embakasi accompanied by about 20 youths went there and started covering the walls with a fresh court of orange paint. Party officials stopped the group saying the aspirant did not have authority to paint the premises. The aspirant was told that painting the building would cause discontent amongst other aspirants who may perceive the action as attempting to get political mileage. The officials said the party had already allocated money for renovating the building. The politician and his army of painters ignored the officials and went ahead to give the building a new coat of brilliant orange paint.
The congregation of a Catholic church in Ngong area are up in arms over one of the priests whom they accuse is ignoring his celibacy vows, adultery (with married women) and alcoholism. It is said the priest was recently involved in a road accident after a night of heavy drinking. The congregation wants the Bishop of the Ngong Diocese to take action before the situation gets out of control and brings the church into disrepute.
Brian Weke, who last vied for the Kamukunji parliamentary seat on a Narc-Kenya ticket, may soon find himself out of the flower party for allegedly supporting others and campaigning for Eugene Wamalwa who is the New Ford Kenya presidential aspirant. The party led by its presidential aspirant Martha Karua is set to convene a disciplinary hearing over Weke and sources say unless the young politician can present a convincing defence of his actions, he might be ejected as the party's constitution bars members from campaigning for candidates of other parties.

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