
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wrangles poison ODM campaigns in Gusii

Wrangles poison ODM campaigns in Gusii

Posted  Wednesday, June 27  2012 at  21:33
Rows dominated the Orange Democratic Movement party during the four-day Orange Democratic reloaded caravan campaigns in Gusii.
Branch officials, defectors and incumbent MPs clashed as they tried to undermine each other.
Branch officials claimed that defectors and incumbent MPs were undermining them by failing to recognise their presence.
The officials and members ganged up against members of parliament who they termed outsiders.
In South Mugirango constituency the caravan received a hostile reception at Tabaka market as rowdy youth demanded that sub-branch chairman Gideon Moreka be allowed to address the crowd and welcome the visitors.
They booed area MP Manson Nyamweya when he took stood to speak until he left the dias.
Order was restored when Mr Moreka addressed the charged crowd before other guests such as Ababu Namwamba addressed them.
At Kitutu Chache constituency the rivalry between, Mr Richard Onyonka assistant minister immigration and James Ongwae played out after Mr Onyonka publicly blocked Mr Ongwae from speaking at Nyabonge trading centre. The two come from Kitutu constituency.
Mr Ongwae grabbed the microphone from Mr Onyonka and told the crowd that the reloaded team is drumming up support for ODM’s flag bearer Mr Raila and no MP should seize the opportunity to show his popularity.
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The campaign then went to Bomachoge in Ogembo town where supporters of Information and Communication assistant minister Simon Ogari and city lawyer Joash Maangi clashed after Maangi, who is the sub branch chairman was denied a chance to address the rally.
“We want to tell the PM that ODM reloaded has left more party divisions in Gusii land. Local party leaders must be consulted,” said Mr Maangi.
At Nyamaiya trading centre in Nyamira, Mr James Gesami the west Mugirango MP took to the podium to address supporters when a charged crowd emerged chanting slogans in support of Mr Evans Ondieki.
Mr Ondieki is a close ally of Mr Timothy Bosire an ardent ODM supporter. Mr Bosire is the chairman ODM Nyamira County
The two pushed and shoved for the microphone and demanded to take charge of the day’s events.
The charged crowd caused a stampede and the team drove off to Ikonge market. At Ikonge, Bomachoge MP called for tolerance.
In Bobasi Janet Ongera campaigned for the senate seat.
This angered Mr Obure who claimed that Ms Ongera was undermining him as the area MP.

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