
Monday, May 28, 2012

Nairobi Blast-Who showed leadership?

A.  Raila Odinga
Heard about it, went there and claimed that it was a terrorist attack.
Posted the following on his face book page:
My condolences & prayers to those injured at the explosion on Moi Avenue, Nairobi.

B. Mwai Kibaki
Heard about and did nothing

C. Kalonzo Musyoka

Heard about it but was away in China

D. Uhuru Kenyatta

Heard about and posted the following message on his facebook page:
I would like to wish those injured in today's blast a quick recovery. Let us keep them in our prayers.

E. Musalia Mudavadi

Heard about and said that we should wait for investigations to be completed

F. George Saitoti
Heard about and did nothing

G. Orwa Ojode
Heard about and said that we should wait for investigations to be completed

H. Uhuru Kenyatta
Heard about and did nothing

I. William Ruto
Heard about and did nothing

J. Martha Karua
Heard about and posted the following on her face book page:
My sympathy to victims of Moi Avenue blast, their families and friends. Our prayers for their quick recovery! National security must be prioritized by actions not mere rhetoric.
K. etc etc

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