
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Government blames Monday blast on terrorists

Government blames Monday blast on terrorists

Written By:George Kithuka/Rose Welimo,    Posted: Wed, May 30, 2012
Prof. Saitoti observed that the rag tag group remains a threat to national security
The government has now announced that the Monday explosion that left scores of people injured was an act terror by Somalia's Al-Shabaab militia group.
Internal security minister Prof. George Saitoti says the group remains a threat to this nation, but assured that the government will not relent on its quest to deal with the militia's operatives in the country.
Speaking in his office Wednesday morning when he met the Netherlands Minister for Immigration, the Prof. Saitoti observed that the rag tag group remains a threat to national security, but said the government is taking measures to counter the increasing attacks attributed to the group.
With the elections months away and presidential campaigns taking shape, the minister said security agencies are on the lookout for hate mongers in a bid to foster co-existence during and after elections.
The country has been subjected to successive explosives attacks by Al-Shabaab operatives in the country following the onslaught by Kenya's defence forces on the Al-Shabaab in Somalia after the militia staged a series of attacks along the Kenyan coast.
33 people were Monday injured in an explosion that rocked an exhibition store adjacent to Mt Kenya University Towers along the Nairobi's busy Moi Avenue. 
The building known as Assanands house was immediately engulfed in fire after the powerful explosion that occured at 1.15 pm  ripping off the roof.  The building was extensively damaged and property of unknown value was destroyed.
The attack followed a series of similar raids at entertainment spots, which have led the police investigators to link extremist preachers, poverty and lack of jobs as a threat to national security.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Raila Odinga has assured Kenyans that necessary steps have been taken to combat terror attacks.
Raila told parliament Wednesday afternoon that the government has beefed security countrywide as police track down suspected terrorists planning the attacks.
Responding to questions from members of parliament on the safety of Kenyans, the PM said the government is in the process of equipping the Anti-terrorism Unit, commencing thorough inspection at the Kenyan border points, security surveillance in the market areas, as well as drafting the anti-terrorism bill that will offer a legal frame work to fight terrorism.

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