
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Moi tells off clergy over 'prayer rallies'

Written By:KNA ,    Posted: Sun, Apr 01, 2012
Kanu National Executive Meeting will be held in April 14, 2012, retired President Daniel arap Moi has said.
Speaking at a Church Service in the African Inland Church (AIC) Kabarnet, the former president said that it was necessary for a meeting to be held so as crucial issues affecting the party could be discussed at length.
He has called on the KANU leadership to strengthen the party in Rift Valley where majority of the party members come from including  preaching peace to avoid a recurrence of the post election violence.
Moi also called on the G7 alliance to stop going round the country dragging servants of God into their problems by calling for road side prayers.
The former President said it was dishonest on the part of clergy to keep praying for the ICC suspects knowing very well that the supposed prayers meetings were actually being used as platforms for campaigns for the next general election.

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