Monday, April 2, 2012

I will not abandon ODM, declares DPM Mudavadi

I will not abandon ODM, declares DPM Mudavadi

ODM deputy leader Musalia Mudavadi has dismissed claims that he plans to ditch the party if he loses the presidential ticket in the nominations. Speaking in Homa Bay town during a meeting with more than 450 party delegates from the county Mudavadi said he in ODM to stay and will support whoever wins the party ticket. He said ODM is a democratic party in which every member has a right to vie for any elective post. Mudavadi told the delegates to avoid falling prey to the propaganda being spread by the party opponents to scuttle ODM.
He, for instance, said some of the party's rivals are spreading propaganda that he is a G7 project. “Immediately I declared my interest for the presidency, our rivals branded me Prime Minister Raila Odinga's project with some saying I am retired president Daniel Moi’s project. Others say I am a G7 project and now they have branded me President Kibaki’s project,” Mudavadi said.
He refuted claims that there are differences between him and Odinga saying they are working together to strengthen the party. Mudavadi said for the party to remain strong and formidable, leaders should accommodate divergent views of all members. He said there is a need to review the ODM’s constitution to enhance democracy prevails within it, adding that this is the only way to strengthen the party.
There have been dissenting opinions between two factions within ODM with Odinga's allies rejecting Mudavadi's push to have the nomination for the party's presidential candidate held at the counties. Mudavadi was flanked by Immigration Minister Otieno Kajwang’ and his Youth Affairs counterpart  Paul Otuoma, assistant ministers George Khaniri and Calistus Mwatela.
Rangwe MP Martine Ogindo his Shinyalu counterpart Justus Kizito and Emuhaya Constituency ODM chairman Khalid Njiraini among others attended the meeting. Kajwang, who has been championing for the nomination to be done by the NDC said the current party constitution ought to be amended to reflect the spirit of devolution in the new constitution.
However, he insisted that the nominations should be done according to the current constitution which states that it should be done by the NDC. “Every game has its rules which must be followed whether they are bad or good unless they are changed,” the minister said. Khaniri, an ally of the Mudavadi said the nomination of the party presidential candidate should be done at the counties to allow wider participation by the delegates saying the NDC locks out many delegates. Otuoma urged Mudavadi and Odinga to accept the verdict of the party presidential election and support whoever wins.

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