
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

You have given us a raw deal, leaders tell Kibaki and Raila

Posted  Tuesday, March 27  2012 at  22:30
Leaders on Tuesday criticised Monday’s reshuffle that saw Mvita MP Najib Balala sacked and two backbenchers elevated to the Cabinet.
Assistant minister Lewis Nguyai and former Juja MP John Ndichu said President Kibaki should have appointed an MP from Kiambu County to replace Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta who stepped down from the Finance docket following his indictment by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in January.
“I am not the appointing authority, and I will not speculate on what happened during the reshuffle, but people living in Kiambu are very concerned about the region’s exclusion,” Mr Nguyai said. The post went to Ndia MP Njeru Githae.
In Mombasa, Mr Balala’s sacking was greeted with outrage by Muslims who alleged an election agreement had been breached.
Two Muslim organisations declared they had severed links with Prime Minister Raila Odinga, whom they claimed had gone against a pact with the community.
The National Muslims Leaders Forum (Namlef) and the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) said they had nullified a memorandum of understanding Muslims reportedly signed with Mr Odinga in 2007.
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“The sacking of Najib Balala from the Cabinet is a breach of the agreement signed between Namlef and Mr Odinga.
“The PM was to safeguard the interests of the Muslim community and ensure 20 per cent representation at all levels of the government,” said Namlef organising secretary Sheikh Mohammed Khalifa.
They vowed to launch a door-to-door campaign across the country to rally Muslims against Mr Odinga.
“In 2007 we moved from one house to another to urge Muslims to reject President Mwai Kibaki and support Mr Odinga and this time round it will be a reverse of that campaign,” warned Sheikh Khalifa.
They also cited the sacking of former Livestock assistant minister Aden Duale as part of the PM’s campaign against the Muslim community.
“We have the power, will and votes to show Raila that Muslims are not weak. He has declared war on Muslims and we shall defeat him and he knows that,” said Namlef treasurer Sheikh Hassan Omar.
Similar complaints came from the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims youth leader Hashim Kamau, who warned that Muslims would no longer support Mr Odinga.
Mr Danson Mwazo replaced Mr Balala. Kisauni MP Ali Hassan Joho was appointed Transport assistant minister on Tuesday, possibly a move by the PM to calm Muslim protests over Mr Balala’s sacking.
Mr Odinga is expected in Mombasa to launch a welfare programme on Wednesday. Mr Mwazo only thanked the principals for elevating him.
“I will work hard to ensure that I market tourism both locally and internationally,” he said when he officially took over office in Nairobi on Tuesday.
Mr Odinga also transferred Bomachoge MP Simon Ogari from the Transport docket to create room for Mr Joho who, alongside Environment assistant minister Ramadhan Kajembe, has been his linkman in Mombasa. (READ: Joho named assistant Transport minister)
Mr Ogari moved to the Ministry of Information and Communications as assistant minister, replacing Galole MP Dhadho Godana, who succeeded Mr Mwazo at Livestock Development.
A dispatch from the Presidential Press Service said the changes had been effected following consultations between the President and the PM.
They came only a day after the two principals had made several changes to the Cabinet, promoted two backbenchers to Cabinet positions, transferred four assistant ministers and sacked Mr Balala.
The backbenchers handed full ministerial dockets included Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa (Justice) and Kigumo MP Jamleck Kamau (Nairobi Metropolitan).
Mr Mutula Kilonzo moved from Justice to Education, Prof Sam Ongeri left Education for Foreign Affairs, Moses Wetang’ula Foreign for Trade, Mr Chirai Mwakwere Trade for Environment and Mr Githae from Nairobi Metropolitan to Treasury.
Mr Wamalwa’s appointment to the Justice ministry was received with jubilation in Trans Nzoia and Bungoma counties, but supporters of Mr Wetang’ula protested his transfer, saying it was meant to reduce his influence.This was the third time Mr Mwakwere was being moved.
The ministers have both declared interest in the presidency, with Mr Wamalwa gravitating towards the G7 alliance and Mr Wetang’ula ODM.
Additional reporting by Mark Agutu, Peter Leftie, Galgalo Bocha, Rebecca Okwany, Antony Kitimo, Anne Macharia, Eric Ngobilo and Samuel Karanja

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