
Saturday, March 3, 2012



KANU vice chairman Gideon Moi has launched a scathing attack on his party chairman Uhuru Kenyatta accusing him of "wasting our time". The former Baringo MP said Uhuru was neither interested nor committed to Kanu and should therefore resign and allow members to want to revive the once vibrant party before the elections. “Kanu is in danger. The Vice Chairman and the National Executive Council members have not got any direction from the chair,” said Gideon.
Addressing Kanu delegates in Mombasa yesterday, Moi accused Uhuru of flirting with the G7 Alliance members at the expense of Kanu. Secretary-General Nick Salat told the Star that their main concern was complying with the law on political parties in good time. "All we want is to revive this party and we can not do so if all of us are not pulling towards the right direction," said Salat.
Moi is unhappy with the lack of effort by Uhuru to comply with the new Political Parties Act. Out of 47 branches, only 12 branches are said to have complied with the Act so far with than three months remaining. “The chair has his problems which are personal problems. He is under a lot of stress and distress. But even if he is hanging onto his political life, the party is not for an individual. It’s for all,” said Gideon. Kanu delegates from the Coast accused Uhuru of running down the party and fear Kanu may be deregistered by the Registrar of Political Parties. Coast NEC member Bafadhil Abdulrahman said Uhuru is blocking a National Delegates’ Conference which only he can convene.
Meanwhile Uhuru's close allies have started shopping again for a new party after MPs allied to Eldoret North MP William Ruto said they were uncomfortable with doing a deal with Kanu. Uhuru and Ruto have been trying to form an alliance to run against Prime Minister Raila Odinga. "We have told Uhuru to abandon Kanu and look for a new party that will enter into a deal with URP," said Cherenganyi MP Joshua Kutunyi.
Some supporters in central Kenya have also expressed reservations about Uhuru contesting the presidency on a Kanu ticket. Uhuru together with William Ruto, broadcaster Joshua Arap Sang and former Public Service boss Francis Muthaura are facing charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court.
Last month Gideon and Uhuru met in Naivasha and agreed to work together to revamp Kanu to comply with new legislation and recruit new members. “For all those who thought that KANU is dead you are in a for a rude shock; for those who want to see a vibrant and energetic leadership let’s work together," said Uhuru after the Naivasha meeting. "We are not closing our minds to anything but we do believe that whoever we agree to work with will be from a point of strength gained from revitalizing our party at the grassroots base,” Uhuru said.
But since the Naivasha meeting Uhuru has however continued to promote his alliance with Ruto, Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa and sometimes with Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka. Moi said in Mombasa that while Ruto and other members of the G7 Alliance display their party flags, Kanu’s flag is nowhere to be seen. “He doesn’t want to antagonize the others because there in Rift Valley, Kanu will bring problems to Ruto. Who knows? I cannot read minds. I am not a mind reader,” Moi said.

1 comment:

  1. Good read. Why didn't you mention the fact that Jaramogi received money from Pattni?
