
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Parliament re-opens on Tuesday to a heavy legislative agenda.

Top on the agenda is the debate on the harmonised draft constitution which is expected to be tabled in the house by the 25th of this month.

However, the 4th session of parliament starts on a supremacy battle as the grand coalition partners fight over the position of the leader of government business.

PNU has vowed to push for the amendment of the standing orders to give the president express powers to appoint the leader of government business in the house.

They want Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka to take the position.

But a divided ODM has vowed to put up a spirited fight arguing Prime Minister Raila Odinga is suitable for the position since he is the supervisor and coordinator of all ministries.

Wrangling in the grand coalition government was sparked off by the suspension of education Minister Prof Sam Ongeri and his agriculture counterpart William Ruto by Prime Minister Raila Odinga a decision that was immediately over-turned by President Mwai Kibaki.

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