
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mutula develops cold feet

Mutula Kilonzo has described a planned vote of no confidence against the Prime Minister as ‘petty politics.’

He says if successful, the motion against Raila Odinga by a section of Rift Valley MPs over his stand on Mau evictions will frustrate reforms in the country.

Addressing the media after opening a journalist training workshop, the minister said: “Any petty dispute like arguments over (the settlement of squatters from Mau) that translates to a vote of no-confidence in the PM could disrupt the grand coalition.

“How am I going to produce a new Constitution for you? I need the PM together with his supporters... I need the PM together with his political skills therefore it is not a matter that is engaging me.”

He said he had not been approached by those who support or oppose the Motion saying that he was focusing on keeping the coalition united in order to deliver on constitutional and institutional reforms.

Mr Kilonzo is one of the members of the National Dialogue team that drafted the National Accord which set up a grand coalition government under the leadership of Prime Minister Raila Odinga and President Mwai Kibaki.

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