
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kenyatta High is Coast’s best public school

Kenyatta boys National school from Taita Taveta County has emerged the best public school in Coast province with a mean score of 8.299 barely a year after it was elevated to National school status. This is up from 7.155 that was recorded in the 2010 Kenya Certificate of Secondary School results of 2010 where they school had 5 straight A in a total of 156 candidates. It was followed by Mama Ngina National school from Mombasa which has been dominating the top position in the past.
Kenyatta which is in Mwatate district, had a total of 166 candidates and produced the best candidate in the Taita Taveta County. The schools principal, Julius Ngondo said that hard work, discipline and their belief in God among his students was the key ingredient towards there good performance. "We had hopes of getting good results although we did not expect to top the province.The good cooperation between parents, teachers and students also contributed to our good performance," said the elated principal at the school after receiving the results.
The school also had eight out of the top ten students in the County with all scoring  straight A. "Its also my pleasure to announce to you that besides the good results in the region we managed to produce number one to eight in the County who scored a clean A.We expect to have above ten straight A from our school once we get the full reports," he said while addressing teachers and students in the school.
Ngondo said that hard work amongst his students was very vital to the good results adding that the students worked an extra mile harder after the school was elevated to a national level status by the government last year. "In the national school league we emerged number 41 out of 48 national schools although we really tried.We had a total of 166 candidates last year," he added.
The overall top student in the County was 19 year old Paul Mwangura from Kenyatta high school who scored 12.0523 followed by Machina Wang'ombe also from the same school with 11.8998. Muhidin M.Edow also from Kenyatta was third with 11.8748 where students from Kenyatta dominated the first eight top ten positions in the County. Mwangura was carried shoulder high by happy residents of the sleepy Tanzania  village in the outskirts of Voi town as they sang songs of praises along the streets of Voi town before driving the hero of the day to his former Kenyatta high school in Mwatate district immediately after receiving the good news of their sons good performance.
Business in Voi town came to a standstill as the residents joined in celebrating Mwanguras good performance. Mwangura, who is also an orphan expressed his gratitude's to his teachers who gave him a tremendous support during his school days. He said that he had to repeat in class eight even after scoring 308 marks out of 500 in his KCPE in 2006 due to lack of school fees.After repeating at Mwakingali primary school he managed to score 358 marks and was admitted in Kenyatta high school. "When I joined form one, we had to call for a fund raising in the village since we had no money to cater for my admission in Kenyatta high school i term one.
From the second term I got sponsored by the Voi CDF fund until the third term before getting a sponsor in form two who payed fro the rest of my education," he said.
Mwangura got the sponsorship from Kelima Trust which is supported by Wildlife Works, an NGO carrying out wildlife and environment conservation projects in the region. "During vacation time me and some few friends remained at school to study when our teachers and the school provided us with meals and support," he told the press in Kenyatta high school.
The teachers also attributed the good performance by Mwangura to his exemplary discipline and hard work despite coming from a poor family. "Mwangura was a brilliant student and was holding the top position since he joined form one in this school," said his principal Mr.Ngondo.  "He was a boy who everybody admired due to his academic prowess.Even the teachers liked him for his brilliance and self driven attitude towards his education when he was here," added the principal. Mwangura told the Star that he was aspiring to be a surgeon in future.

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