
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka embarks on a tour of the greater Murang’a district in central Kenya Friday to gauge his political support in a region which is increasingly attracting leading politicians in the country.

Kigumo MP Jamleck Kamau, who is coordinating the visit said the VP would launch a number of projects in Kigumo, Kandara and Maragwa constituencies and also address several rallies at various centres.

Mr Musyoka will be seeking to counter any political mileage Prime Minister Raila Odinga could have gained when he traversed the three constituencies in February this year.

“We expect over 40 MPs from all over the country to accompany the Vice President on Friday. The tour is semi-political and semi-official,” Mr Kamau stated.

According to the programme, Mr Musyoka’s first stop will be at P.K secondary school at Kabati where he will open the school’s library before addressing two rallies at Kabati and Kenol trading centres.

He will then proceed to Githunguri, Kagundu-ini and Kigumo trading centres where he will preside over a ground breaking ceremony for a new girls’ school.

Mr Musyoka will then proceed to Muthithi trading centre where he will address a public rally before heading to Sabasaba where he will hold the final rally.

Mr Odinga was in the region in February to open a tea factory in Kigumo constituency but several MPs from the region boycotted the tour accusing the PM of seeking to undermine deputy prime minister Mr Uhuru Kenyatta’s popularity in the region.

Maragwa MP Elias Mbau and Githunguri’s Stanley Githunguri were the only MPs from central province who accompanied the PM on the tour, which saw huge crowds turn out to cheer his entourage.

Mr Musyoka is also expected to use the tour to gauge the region’s support for the draft constitution ahead of the national referendum set for July or early August.

The VP and Mr Kenyatta were last week forced to come out publicly to announce their support for the Yes campaign after being accused of blowing both hot and cold on the issue.

The Cabinet has since resolved to support the Yes campaign.

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