
Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday Service at Neno Evangelism Centre.-RUTO, WAMALWA...

1 comment:

    When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all the male children and he was circumcised. GENESIS 17: 1-27 When God told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not circumcise their girls, the message was given in a spiritual language and bore two warnings. The Israelis parent shall not sexually mutilate their daughters and fathers were commanded not have carnal knowledge of their daughters making them prostitutes. The evil cutting is done in honor of the dead. Leviticus 19:28-29. Israelis girl child remained a land fenced, a spring shut up and a blessed fountain sealed in divine state. Song of Solomon 4:12, Proverbs 5:18-19. Israelis women remained lively and delivered goodly children easily a state known to Pharaoh and he agreed with the midwives reply. Exodus 1:15-22. Men can overturn the suffering girls go through in FGM over night when they are not habitually cheated on issues concerning FGM. The covenant of the flesh for a man child is with ease to behold with no ill feelings or regrets which require no medication afterward in life. Fgm is a satanic sacrifice to a girl child of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases traumatic child delivery requiring medication .Men with clear information concerning fgm will take a firm stand that girls atrocities in FGM resulting in life time suffering is not their joy and refuse sharing wives with Satan in FGM. Fgm is the satanic strategic morality sacrifice tragically endorsed by many parents across all social status around the world. Parents have their own zeal of faith in fgm and have established their own righteousness not according to righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Parents spearhead the immoral act in fgm. Many fathers are bonded and bound by it and sink to abyss of silence even when children and youth raise a protest the battle of minds against fgm. Satan has for generations perfectly cushioned fgm in many families parenthood which is un institution of tender care and love as the acceptable way of life. It is the time satan tragically prevails in parenthood. Let all Children of Abraham by faith join in spiritual circumcision. When faithful Abraham the father of faith was commanded by God to be circumcised at 99 years old with his son Ishmael at thirteen years old, he obeyed God. Sarah and Hagar were not circumcised or any girl child since there is no women circumcision with God. GENESIS 17: 1-27
