
Monday, January 2, 2012

Miguna Latest

By Job of Jukwaa

1) Contrary to what most people may think, this matter still reflects more on the Prime Minister than Miguna Miguna. In one sentence – this fiasco is actuallya case of discrimination (of employment terms) that is being meted out to Miguna,courtesy of the office of the Permanent Secretary of the Cabinet and Head of the Public Service (Francis Muthaura).The Prime Minister has not only been unable to rescue Miguna, but was just a while back almost throwing him completely under the bus (maybe not deliberately).

2) Like the NAMLEF saga of 2007, the Prime Minister took too long to respond. And when he attempted to respond appropriately (initiating the Serena meeting), he failed to completely seal the deal of reinstatement.I have three things for the Prime Minister and one for Miguna.

3) The best option left for the Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga now is to seal the deal on the humane gesture he initiated at Serena; by finding Miguna an equally befitting job outside the OPM (a place Miguna can’t fit in right now). The Prime Minister will have restored his reputation as a trustworthy ally, caring defender of progressives, and effective leader.

4) As things stand now – what I see at the OPM doesn’t look pretty good. Therein comes my second advice to the Prime Minister. The Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga needs to give his very important office (Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya) a deeper look because this office ultimately contributes to the definition of his own character and abilities. He must immediately reform (clean up) the OPM which continues to publicly portray him as mute and ineffective. Is he captive to them?

Miguna’s issue offers a perfect example of how the OPM can misleadingly depict the Prime Minister’s managerial skills as one of a feckless executive! Whereas the Prime Minister directed Miguna’s reinstatement, what the latter received (in all fairness) was in fact a warning letter! (thanks toOnyango Oloofor copying it here). To keen observers, with or without the complications of the National Accord, this only illustrates that Raila Odinga cannot manipulate his own office bureaucracy - to see through his own directives.

Ultimately, any citizen could therefore argue that the Prime Minister’s directives (on any matter) may never be fully delivered in desired form. Such directives are apparently first subjected towhimsical vetting by the Isahakhia-Caroli-Muthaura bureaucracy. That is what ultimately contributes to the terms and phrases we read from the Wikileaks diplomatic cables such as the Prime Minister’s;“unreliability”, “ineffectiveness”, “fecklessness”,and“poor managerial skills”!

With the current bureaucracy surrounding him (OPM), if directives can’t be followed as instructed, it may be safe to conclude that the Prime Minister cannot generally be counted on to deliver 100%. Once the public gets used to this pattern, they definitely can't surely count on a President Odinga (if that happens), surrounded by an even bigger bureaucracy, to deliver? Wouldn’t junior officials surrounding him willfully twist his own directives (with no consequences)?

As Adongo and others have pointed, things get even complicated when one realizes that the same bureaucracy at the OPM is the same one that was publicly accused of inappropriate involvement in the maize importation saga, and misappropriation of KKV funds into ineligible expenditures.This same bureaucracy that Miguna himself has accused of dabbling in graft, was the same one left to handle Miguna’s reinstatement. Is anyone surprised that rather than follow reinstatement instructions from the PM, they instead served Miguna a warning letter?

Is anyone also failing to notice the hidden hand manipulating the OPM from Harambee House – specifically, from the very office that disbanded the joint secretariat of Coalition Affairs that Miguna was originally to serve in? Isn’t it surely time to act on this OPM? That sums up my second advice.

5) Last but not least, pertains to yet another disturbing perception about the Prime Minister. Truth be told - the Prime Minister should be very wary offitinapeddled by insecure, envious, or outright jealous members of his inner cabal (including family members) about emerging public figures like Miguna. The Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga should question the motives of his own friends now piling on Miguna (by joining Muthaura) in this outright discrimination. The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister should at least test the veracity of unsolicited claims that fly around his inner circle (& extended family)!Ni hayo tufor the Rt. Hon. PM!

To Miguna:

Exercise your rights fully; pursue the case on breach of your contract; continue defending the progressive agenda; but please spare the Prime Minister unwarranted personal attacks! Swallow the much desired pill of humility (especially towards colleagues who may not even be the architects of your woes). Keep focused on the three things above while fully in control – especially in public media. It’s better to sit back and watch Jeff Koinange’s bench interviews, sticking to the reform message. Your future is bright son ofKano.

Why do I refer to this fiasco as a case of outright discrimination; and infringement on Miguna’s rights?

a) After his selection by the Prime Minister, before employment, Miguna negotiated a CONTRACT with his employer (the President) - through emissaries; a process that involved the Prime Minister himself, and both the Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office (Mohammed Isahakhia), and the Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Public Service, Francis Muthaura. A VERBAL AGREEMENT on terms was reached.

b) Miguna was subsequently offered the appointment by the PRESIDENT - appointment letter dated 16th March 2009, was written and signed by Francis Muthaura.

c) The appointment was on CONTRACT TERMS – period being three years with effect from the date he assumed duties.

d) Miguna’s CONTRACT gave him duties as Advisor of the Prime Minister on Coalition Affairs – equivalent to Prof. Kivutha Kibwana who is the Advisor of the President on Coalition Affairs.

e) Just like the other Presidential-appointed Advisors like Kivutha and Tuju, Miguna’s CONTRACT put him at Job Group V – entitling him to the same salary and allowances as the former Advisors. It is precisely these terms that must have informed Miguna’s personal decision to switch from Canada to take up the job in Nairobi in the first place.

f) Shortly after receiving his appointment letter from Muthaura, Miguna wrote back to the PS acknowledging receipt of the appointment letter but NOT ACCEPTING the remuneration terms which had been revised from the earlier agreed equivalent to Prof. Kibwana’s (who was serving in the same capacity as an Advisor to the President on Coalition Matters). THIS IS THE GENESIS OF THIS ENTIRE DISPUTE. Impunity was being directed to Miguna on his face. Miguna was offered plain discrimination, served cold!

g) This initial dispute IS CURRENTLY in court. The OPM (remote-controlled by Muthaura) now wants Miguna to drop this case (thereby ignore the breach of contract & participate in his own discrimination). It’s important to note that more than a year after Miguna assumed duties, in an attempt to officially seal the discrimination, Muthaura instructed Isahakhia to demand that Miguna sign an LOC agreement that was to fundamentally change his terms and reduce his pay by half. Being the bright lawyer he is, Miguna refused – by writing to both Isahakhia and Muthaura. This is probably the first time Muthaura ever received such a letter CHALLENGING HIS AUTHORITY. This is what we are essentially dealing with! Muthaura doesn’t want to give the courts time to enforce the initial agreement (which is likely going to favour Miguna).

h) In my view, Miguna has a very strong case. He should pursue his legal and constitutional rights. This should be a wake-up call to those who think they can arbitrarily breach contracts and discriminate others willfully. Miguna is fully entitled to all his dues as initially agreed (equivalent to Kibwana’s pay) until the end of his contract. That’s whether he leaves the OPM or not. It is clear the OPM will not allow the PM to redress the discrimination meted out to Miguna. If he is genuinely a kind-hearted reformist, the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister should secure Miguna aREALsoft landing elsewhere; then embark on cleaning up his office.

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By Gateway of Jukwaa

Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga, I am again addressing you from my humble abode in Missouri, U.S.A.. Yes, I that guy from Manyatta who used to be your Youth and fought many battles for you on the streets of Kisumu City. I remember in Narok as you campaigned for Kibaki in 2002 how not even the Maasai Morans brought by KANU could dare come close to your meeting. We were ready to lay down our lives for you. We believed in you. We would jump in a bullet's way to save you. I still regret what some of the youths did to the late Dr Oki Ooko Ombaka when he came with Prof Ghai to Kisumu. All I remember is that a NCCK Landrover was burned and the blind professor (may his soul rest in peace) was humiliated. When my late brother (name withheld) captured a headline in the EA STANDARD about your inability to unite with Ghai Commission, youths went looking for him to kill him. I had to tell him to hide after some of the youths told me to protect him. That is how zealous your followers were/are. They can KILL over a headline that does not depict your interests in good light. Well, let me quickly add that my brother's later death is in no way related to your youths. I do not want any INSINUATIONS made.

To cut the long story short, a lot of water has gone under the bridge. You have continued to help transform Kenya. What worries me a lot is the increasing accusations against you bordering on TRUSTWORTHINESS. All are crying that you are not keeping your part of the bargain. I see a pattern consistent with what most of your political detractors accuse you off namely, you cannot be trusted. Is it that you are just too MACHIAVELLIAN? How will we make a difference between you and say others that you constantly accuse of being anti-reformists?? Why are you always opposed to anything that does not serve your interests?? Are you really keen on serving KENYANS or yourself?? If you are that popular in Nyanza, why are other divergent political voices muzzled?? Why that string of subtle dictatorial gene in you?

Are we believing a lie? Why are you MIS-HANDLING Miguna Miguna?? Why are you playing POLITICS with his life?? Why don't you show leadership by clearly stating to the PUBLIC what's up?? All that is coming out is that you NEVER care about your DEALINGS. And that PISSES some of us off badly? What if i had died for you?? Would it have been worth it?? Some of my friends went to prison because in the bigoted minds they killed to advance your political agenda. Why are you letting your people DOWN especially a year to an ELECTION that your are best placed to WIN??

Now that the ORACLES are OPEN and I do not call myself GATEWAY for no reason, I Will Give you some ADVICE. Not as a PRIME MINISTER, but as a mere mortal that the gods want to ADDRESS. Put down your office and LISTEN. In simply words the spirits wnat me to address you in your native tongue. WEK SANDO NYAWADU. That's all I got from the ORACLES.

Back to where we were. What is Isakhalia (sp) helping you with?? Why are you afraid to DEFINE yourself Boldly by cracking a whip on these "useless' people around you? Are their VOTES enough to propel you to State House?? Why don't you at times listen to "FOOLS" like us?? And what did you do to people like JAMES ORENGO that they have just turned into court poets?? Why can't you roll with people who can STAND up to you and tell you the TRUTH, but still LOVE and support you?? Is that what I heard some were uncomfortable with in MIGUNA MIGUNA?? I think you need to surround yourself with 100 people like MM who can tell you the truth or else your match to State House will end sadly and others in future will just read about how you nearly became the president. I am not very educated, but feel free to ask ME for directions. I engage with the ORACLES from time to time and there is a real POSSIBILITY that you are HEADED Nowhere if you do not change your style of doing things. YOU cannot keep betraying your way thru life. Again remember the advice from the oracles today was "WEK SANDO NYAWADU"

And to Miguna Miguna, you need to be thankful that the mistake at the office did is good for you. It gave you an opportunity to even gain a higher ground. I wish this MUTUAL friend could back what you are saying. I kind of suspect this Mutual friend could be Onyango Oloo. I may be wrong. I will consult the oracles on that. Right now the GATEWAY is closed. Anyway, Miguna Miguna, yes, I say it was in your best interest to find a reason/excuse to turn down the job. You had said too much in your anger that you going back there would just be LAUGHABLE. I know you were angry and that made you call him conman among other things. Yes, Anger can make us say things we do not believe. So i will assume you were not lying about Raila because you were ANGRY. May be you were which again would be LAUGHABLE. But if were telling the truth, it would be hard for you to go back to that office and downplay such issues. So your best bet is to find a way to continue fighting for change. You do not have to be in Raila's bus. You can start your own party or as someone suggested you can lead COTU. i think you can do a good job there. I would probably join your party as ADVISER on condition that you do not fire me the way you were fired by Agwambo.

Keep writing. Start a radio talk show and invite HArd core democrats. Start a youth party and do an OBAMA in KENYA in the next elections. I am just saying. Just leave Raila alone. His MISTAKES will one day catch up with him and it will be a big shame to most of us who have believed in HIM. We do not know where we will start. Happy New Year Guys!

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  1. I'll direct mine to Miguna and his sympathizers,you seem not so clear about what exactly brought your difference ,give us your plain truth.
