
Monday, January 2, 2012

The Cutting Edge

Posted  Sunday, January 1  2012 at  17:19
Cancel licences. With tens of innocent lives being lost almost daily in ghastly road accidents mostly as a result of careless driving, there is an urgent need to enact tough regulations to curb the menace, urges Alex Irungu. One such measure, he adds, would be to cancel the licences of those who cause death by reckless driving. “Such strict laws and regulations have worked well in the Western countries, and motorists have to think thrice before indulging in road madness.”
Make them visible.With the increasing road accidents in Kisumu Town, Esau Alego has been happy to note that zebra crossings have been marked in various areas. The one on Oginga Odinga Street in the town centre, Esau adds, has contributed significantly to curbing accidents. He is, therefore, alarmed that the council’s personnel have allowed the white markings to fade so much that they are hardly visible. He is challenging the council to ensure all the zebra crossings are repainted early in this brand New Year.
Staff unfriendly. Power blackouts have been the order of the day in Nyahururu in the past one month, with no warning or explanation coming from Kenya Power, moans Kamoni Kawanjisiru. As if that is not bad enough, he adds, the customer service at the company’s Nyahururu office has been rather poor, making paying bills a hectic business. Kamoni is appealing to Kenya Power to ensure that its employees at Nyahururu serve customers with greater diligence and competence. His contact is
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Estate abandoned. The Municipal Council of Mombasa has abandoned the residents of the VoK estate to wallow in stench emanating from a burst sewer, charges Gabriel Njuguna. Since the problem started nearly six months ago, the matter has been reported to the council several times, but no assistance has been forthcoming. As a result, the residents have been exposed to a grave health risk. A frustrated Gabriel is accusing the council of paying more attention to the needs of tourists than the locals. His contact is
Come for your letters. For two years, Nicholas L. Mwenda has been receiving letters addressed either to Lilian Ingasiani Masiza or Richard Masiza, both of whom he does not know. He has been duly marking them RTS, but the postal workers keep putting them back in his mailbox and more arrive. Concerned that some of the letters marked private and confidential could have important information, he is requesting them to contact him through
Mugging rampant. One of the most dangerous spots in Nairobi, Sophia Amwayi says, is the Jogoo and Likoni roads junction, where muggers, taking advantage of the lack of streetlights, have been attacking pedestrians. A victim twice, Sophia says the robbers often target people coming from work in the Industrial Area between 8pm and 10pm. But, ironically, it is within walking distance of Makongeni Police Station and Sophia wishes the officers could be deployed to patrol that stretch more regularly.
Have a safe day, won’t you!
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