
Monday, January 2, 2012

Corridors of Power

SOME journalists who worked for the defunct Kenya Today are happy after the government ordered a forensic audit of the paper's financial management systems. It is suspected the paper shut down due to improper financial management. Some of the journalists, who are still owed their emoluments, say their colleagues are culpable and may have benefited from shady deals and corruption. The journalists want the government to expedite the process and punish their colleagues who loudly preached water but drank wine in darkness.
An MP from Eastern province and a known admirer of Uhuru Kenyatta was heard pouring scorn at the recent PNU Alliance deal signed by three leading lights, even though he was part of the entourage at the ceremony. The MP told a group of journalists he dislikes the PM with a passion, but he predicted that Raila may well become president come 2013. The MP said that the PM was politically organised and he was doing many things that leaders from Mt Kenya region cannot do.
An MP from Ukambani was ecstatic to see the Star’s cartoon of Thursday December 22, 2011. The cartoon, which depicted the VP as the ever wavering politician, so excited the politician that instant early Christmas presents were dished out to the sentry who had brought the cartoon to the attention of the MP.
Enraged customers have complained to Corridors that two senior staffers of a local bank have been conniving with outsiders to "steal their properties" without their knowledge. The staff members, who work in the legal department of the bank which was involved in a TV lottery saga last year, threaten and intimidate customers to ensure that they do not make follow ups. One of them was overheard telling a customer, "We do not need you as our customer, my friend. That is why we have sold your property."

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