
Sunday, January 1, 2012

10 MPs form caucus to push own agenda

FILE  |  NATION Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi during a past PNU rally.  He was among leaders who endorsed the PNU Alliance as their preferred party for 2012.
FILE | NATION Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi during a past PNU rally. He was among leaders who endorsed the PNU Alliance as their preferred party for 2012. 
Posted  Saturday, December 31  2011 at  22:00
  • Region of more than 1.5 million votes could carve out a niche in national politics instead of simply endorsing leaders from elsewhere
Ten MPs from the Embu, Tharaka Nithi and Meru counties have formed a caucus to negotiate a stake in national politics as the country prepares for an election this year.
They said the Mt Kenya East region was populous, distinct and had a common history and cultures and should not be lumped together with the larger Mt Kenya region.
The MPs said the region with more 1.5 million votes had a chance of carving a niche in national politics and should not be used merely to endorse other leaders.
The leaders endorsed the PNU Alliance as their preferred party for 2012 and said they would consult grassroots leaders to decide which leader to support.
Led by Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi and assistant ministers Kareke Mbiuki, Cecily Mbarire, Peter Munya and several MPs, they said the region has suffered various injustices since the rest of Kenya thought one tribe constituted the Mt Kenya region.
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Mr Mbiuki and Ms Mbarire said the region had been ignored during the creation of constitutional commissions, and they stressed the need to establish it as a distinct area.
Siakago MP Lenny Kivuti said no one would be favoured during the selection of the presidential candidate to be backed by the community, saying the leading criterion would be how the community would benefit.
“Every presidential candidate has been to this region, but we will interview each one of them and support the most popular before 2012 election,” he said.
Igembe North MP Ntoitha M’Mithiaru urged the PNU Alliance to be fair during party nominations to encourage more members to join.
He said most people were turned away from PNU in 2007 because the nomination process was not fair.
Mr Mbiuki said all the presidential candidates should now consult the community instead of being brought by an individual MP.
He also proposed that the PNU Alliance change its name to the PNU Alliance Party of Kenya to avoid confusion between it and PNU party.
He said PNU Chairman Prof George Saitoti had threatened to contest the presidency on PNU ticket which might confuse the electorate.
“In 2007, some ODM Kenya supporters confused the party with that of ODM. We cannot afford to have the PNU party and the PNU Alliance together on the ballot since it will cause confusion. We must change to the PNU Alliance Party of Kenya so that PNU does not reap from the confusion,” he said.
The MP said the presence of numerous parties under the PNU umbrella had cost a lot of votes since most people did not vote for it.
Mr Mbiuki also said Kanu chairman Uhuru Kenyatta would contest the presidency on a PNU Alliance Party ticket.
“Kanu has entered this bus and will ensure all its members are in it. Our chairman Uhuru Kenyatta will contest the presidency on this party’s (PNU Alliance) and would have abandoned Kanu,” he said.

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