
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nyamira at bottom of the heap

Posted  Wednesday, December 28  2011 at  19:59
Nyakemincha DEB Primary School of Nyamira County whose name means ‘the tail’ was ironically the worst performing public school in the 2011 KCPE results.
Kisii and Nyamira counties private primary schools were the worst performers nationally.
St Peters Preparatory (Nyamira) topped the bottom list in performance followed by Abema Uphill Academy, Riamogunde Academy, Gatare Junior Academy and Itierio Mission Academy, all in Kisii County.
Gabbis Academy (Nyamira) follows as the sixth worst private school nationally, then Maroba Gloria and Mochengo PAG Mission in Kisii, Heshima Academy (Nyamira) and lastly Riokindo J Academy (Kisii).
Among the bottom 10 public primary schools nationally, three of the worst performers are from Nyamira and Kisii.
They are led by Nyamira’s Nyakemincha DEB, Kathukini Primary (Kitui), Ndiine (Meru), Makamini (Kwale), Kambui School For The Deaf (Kiambu), Nyangoma For Deaf (Siaya), Kithurine (Meru), Muhaka (Kwale) and Keore Cog Primary of Kisii.
At the Coast, the worst performers are Godoma Primary (Taita Taveta) with a mean score of 148.52, Makamini Primary (Kwale, 134.16), Miritini (Mombasa, 149.66), Bate (Kilifi, 147), Kililengwani (Tana River) and Bargoni (Lamu, 146.2).
The worst performers in Central are Kianduba (Nyandarua, 154.23), Ngarenyiro (Nyeri, 154.84), Githuani (Kirinyaga, 191.48), Kiahiti (Muranga, 152.37) and Kiambu School For The Deaf (141.84).
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The bottom schools in Eastern Province counties are Ngomeni (Machakos, 152.52), Kathukini (Kitui, 128.49), Michegethiu (Embu, 161.47), Ndiine (Meru, 133.81), Chalbi (Marsabit, 166.98), Chumviere (Isiolo, 175.31), Kitandini (Makueni, 177.83) and Mikwani (Tharaka Nithi, 152.75). Kagira Primary had the lowest mean score in Nairobi.
Worst performers in the Rift Valley are Lokwamosing (Turkana, 171.35), Maralal Special School (Samburu, 155.5), Gesarate (Trans Nzoia, 151.25) and Kachemogen (West Pokot, 201.84).
The worst schools in West Pokot performed better than any from the rest of the 46 counties.
Other poor performers are Kapkoros Junior Academy (Bomet, 155.95), Kamuyu (Uasin Gishu, 163), Ngano (Nakuru, 155.26), Sorget (Kericho, 154.01), Kaptendon (Nandi, 186.76), Wamura (Laikipia, 159.19), Kilonito (Kajiado, 178.95), Osupuko (Narok, 151.23) and Tiyotich (Baringo, 195.02) and Olonini in Elgeyo Marakwet.
In Western, the bottom list had Katanyu (Busia, 169.67), Musembe PAG (Bungoma, 169.44), Matungu SP Needs (Kakamega, 147.66) and Ivumbi (176.45) in Vihiga.
In Nyanza, worst performers are Esivalu (Kisumu, 164.88), Omogumo DEB (Kisii, 125.59), Simbi (Homa Bay, 165.08), Nyangoma For Deaf (Siaya, 142.92), Nyakemincha (Nyamira, 119.36) in Nyamira, Kuja School For The Deaf (Migori, 151.88).

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