
Monday, December 5, 2011

Meru leaders in talks to form political party

A section of legislators from the Mount Kenya East regions of Meru, Embu and Mbeere plan to launch a political party to champion their interests by Christmas.
A meeting held at the Karen home of Meru Parliamentary Group chairman and Imenti North MP Silas Muriuki decided that Mt Kenya East needs a political vehicle, which will enable them negotiate with major parties hunting for votes in the region.
With President Kibaki’s Party of National Unity (PNU) in disarray and the Head of State set to retire, Mt Kenya region could be left ‘orphaned’.
A party for Mt Kenya East region where leaders like presidential candidate Mutava Musyimi and Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi come from, would add to the plethora of parties led by individuals from the region.
But PNU and the newly formed PNU Alliance have the biggest stake to lose with Kiraitu Murungi as PNU Secretary General, and Mr Titus Ibwii, who also hails from the region, chairing the PNU Alliance steering committee.
"We are afraid presidential candidates who have invaded our region are going to confuse voters. We have decided to provide leadership. We want a platform on which voters in the region can negotiate with presidential candidates and their parties before deciding which of them offers us the best deal. We will negotiate for public service jobs or even a presidential running mate because we have supported Kibaki for long," said Muriuki.
"A sub-committee has been formed to explore available options for adopting an existing party, orregistering a new one. All leaders have agreed to create a platform to consolidate the Meru vote and decide where it should go," said Kanu Parliamentary Whip and Igembe South MP Mithika Linturi.
Muriuki and Linturi said the leadership had mandated the Njuri Ncheke (Meru Council of Elders) to host a meeting of elected leaders, professionals, church and community grassroots leaders to discuss and adopt the party once it is identified.
Professionals, political and business leaders attended the high-level meeting.
Exerted pressure
Meru and Embu regions have become hunting grounds for leading presidential candidates who make weekly tours of the regions, attending all manner of functions ranging from fundraising, funerals and political rallies.
Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka enjoys ‘homeboy’ status, since he hails from Eastern region, but his rivals, led by Prime Minister Raila Odinga (ODM), Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Internal Security Minister Prof George Saitoti and Eldoret North MP and UDM presidential candidate William Ruto have exerted pressure and expended substantial resources selling themselves in the region.
However, former Ntonyiri MP Maoka Maore, who recently defected from Kanu to ODM, said the bid to launch a Mt Kenya East party is a desperate move by people who thrived under President Kibaki’s rule and are now worried about life after the Othaya MP retires.
"They have been pampered and spoilt, but are now afraid of the future without Kibaki," Maoka said.
Imenti Central MP Gitobu Imanyara, who is also regarded as a friend of PM Raila Odinga, said he did not attend the meeting.
"I do not believe in politics based in ethnic balkanisation. If a party has a vision, they should be able to sell it across the country. I do not approve of this approach to leadership," Imanyara said.
Muriuki noted among those who attended the meeting were Kiraitu Murungi (Imenti South), Mutava Musyimi (Gachoka), Assistant Minister Cecily Mbarire (Runyenjes), Emilio Kathuri (Manyatta) and Lenny Kivuti (Siakago).
The Karen meeting came a few days ahead of a major meeting in Nairobi between professionals from Meru and Embu scheduled for Friday at Safari Park Hotel.
"The Meru question will be very much on the agenda," a source involved in organising the Friday meeting said.
Earlier meeting
Uhuru is listed as chief guest at this year’s Meru professionals annual dinner.
Scholar and Assistant Minister Kilemi Mwiria, however, thinks fellow MPs should not be involved in guiding parties and choosing which presidential candidate to vote for.
"This would deny most of the community members their democratic rights to decide on whom to vote for come next year’s General Election. The Njuri Ncheke have been hijacked for political expediency," said Dr Mwiria, who is also the MP for Tigania West.
Speculation is rife that the new outfit is meant to be a platform to secure support for Uhuru, and stem the invasion of the region by ODM-friendly forces.
An earlier meeting at the Kaguru Farmers Training Center in Imenti South District attended by leaders, including Murungi, made proposals similar to those made at the Karen meeting.

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