
Friday, December 30, 2011

Major boost as TFG forces recruit soldiers

By Dann Okoth in Ras Kamboni

The joint military campaign against Al Shabaab received a major boost when 180 Transitional Federal Government (TFG) trainee soldiers joined the army ranks.By Dann Okoth in Ras Kamboni
The sacrifice and determination to succeed was palpable as the soldiers went through their paces at a military training session that matched any other in any nation in the world, save for the would-be soldiers’ attire.
Against blistering morning sea breeze, the soldiers matched in tattered civilian clothes and worn out sandals — even bare foot — as they completed their final drills before graduating.
"I am a happy man today," declared Dhahir Ahmed 30 yesterday. "I had always dreamed to join the army and that dream is about to be fulfilled. I want to do this for my country and my family who were kicked out of Mogadishu by Al Shabaab. I personally want to destroy Al Shabaab," he added.
TFG new recruits march during a drill as they prepare to be enlisted in the Somalia army. [PHOTO: GOVEDI ASUTSA/STANDARD]
The recruits who were training under the tutelage of TFG would be enlisted in the next two days to join the nascent force giving it the much needed shot in the arm.
Captain Abdulahi Ahmed Yusuf, who is in charge of the recruits’ training, expressed optimism over the future of the force adding the exercise of enlisting young men into the army will continue.
No troops to amass
"This is the first step in an ambitious programme to boost our forces capabilities to counter Al Shabaab by recruiting more soldiers," he said.
He added the soldiers aged between 18 and 30 had been training for eight months adding that they were now ready to assume duties as full time armed forces personnel.
However, if TFG lacked infrastructure and resources to offer a standard training for its soldiers, the gaps were filled by raw resolve and enthusiasm of the recruits.
The development came as unconfirmed intelligence reports said Al Shabaab were amassing troops to the North of Kismayu to launch a series of massive attacks in areas already captured by Kenya Defence Force (KDF) and TFG.
However, officer commanding KDF operations at Ras Kamboni Major MG Simbili said the reports were yet to be confirmed adding that Al Shabaab had no troops to amass, anyway.
"If anything, Al Shabaab is disintegrating by the day with fighters defecting in numbers. Right now we have infiltrated their ranks and if the reports were credible, we would know and quickly spring into action," he said.
He welcomed the recruitment drive, training and subsequent enlistment of the 180 TFG soldiers saying it was a double-edged sword against Al Shabaab.
"The development would boost the TFG forces and enable it contribute more effectively in the campaign. The other thing is that this kind of developments completely demoralises Al Shabaab," he said.

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