
Thursday, December 29, 2011

An IDP Who Found Home In Kanu Camp

An IDP Who Found Home In Kanu Camp

Once upon a time there was an IDP. He had lived in a castle called State House. But when his father died, the family was displaced from there in tragic circumstances. For years he wandered in the wilderness, and eventually collapsed into an IDP camp called KANU. The senior IDP of the camp, Uncle Daniel, took care of him. When Uncle retired, he even proposed that Little Freedom, for that was the name of the IDP, take over as Chief, not just of the Camp, but also of the whole country. While waiting for this to happen, Little Freedom would kick off his own shoes and step into Uncle Daniel’s very big shoes, and stumble along merrily. All his family and sycophants clapped and said, “What a clever young man he is, he is.” Little Freedom thought that was a great lark. But when the elections came, the people voted not to resettle him in his old castle. He was homeless again.
After five years, Little Freedom left KANU camp and came to a camp called Place for Numerous Undesirables, (otherwise known as PNU). There he found refuge. They gave him a ministry. They also called him Deputy Pastor of Ministries (DPM). But the years were passing and he was no longer quite Little Freedom. He was Aging Freedom now, still an IDP, and not yet resettled. He began to get restless. He decided to find another camp which might help him regain his castle.
He joined a camp called KKK. He felt he had come home, even though he said he did not know what those initials stood for. But he found that the newspapers kept saying that KKK was a camp of hate, and illegal. Aging Freedom took fright and moved to another camp. It was known by the strange name of G7. Aging Freedom also did not know what G7 meant, though it sounded powerful. But Aging Freedom soon found Camp G7 overcrowded. He ran away.
As he wandered, lonely as a cloud, he passed a camp called Upset & Disgruntleds’ Forum (UDF). They said nice things about him and his money. So he came to live with them. They took him on picnics every weekend. He shared food and watermelons with them. He even took overseas trips to the Netherlands with them. But after a while he found that they would not do what he told them to. This had never happened to him when he had lived in the castle. Surprised by this, one day he quietly walked out of the camp.
Then all the clever people he had consorted with, came back and said “Let’s open a new camp and call it PNU Alliance (Power Not Unity Alliance). No one will know it is the old PNU, because it has such a different name.”  But even Aging Freedom could see through this. He left. 
He roamed the provinces but found no welcome from any of the registered IDP camps. Then, in one of the central provinces he found 57 MPs telling the newspapers, “We are meeting at golf clubs of note to set up a new camp. We’re going to call it Our Own Camp.” To him, they said, “Or even Aging Freedom Camp, because we are very loyal to you.” But when they kept saying this several weeks in a row and no nameboard of the party had been put up, much less the barbed wire fencing around an office, Aging Freedom decided he could not keep giving them money for the same items week after week, like those corrupt successive budgets in the finance ministry. While they were composing another praise poem in his honour and a fresh budget for the sign and the barbed wire, he walked out of the golf club and decided to play hard ball instead.
As he fled from this dark scene who should he bump into but Uncle Daniel. “Come back to the oldest IDP Camp of all, son,” said Uncle Daniel sweetly. “While we wait for you to be resettled by the government in your old castle, (and then do what we tell you to), this is the camp away from camp for you. Remember whose project you were in the first place. You can be a project again after all.” And Aging Freedom, remembering that being a project involved very little work, smiled into the news cameras, and said, “Why not?” This, friends, is the fate of all Intellectually Displaced Persons, (IDPs). 

  • Cheka_Aliye_Kucheka3
    ODM-Raila sycophants and their false sense of self-importance. You guys perform so many somersaults that at any one time, you are not aware which direction the sky is.

    Nowrojee of the Raila Odinga ni Baba na Mama. Does any of this ring a bell?

    Ford -> Ford Kenya -> NDP -> Kanu -> LDP -> ODM-Kenya -> ODM -> ? (Kibera Mandazi Party)

    His name is Raila Amollo Odinga, the politician with the most defections under his belt in independent Kenya.

    It might be time for you to get off that headstand wakili. The sky is in the other direction.
  • eagleland
    Mr. Pheroze I have always believed you as a clever person but not ingnorant you know it's better to deal with a fool than an ingorant person and this time you sound very ignorant. As much as I don't think the person you refered to have a right to be the leader of Kenyan, I think to potray him like he is not his own man just becouse his father was the fisrt preisdent is ingorant of you we bring our children up to think of themselves and encourage to think big in life yes, he grew up in state house and yes he had all he wanted in terms of wealth and money but remember he is a Kenyan and have a right to associate with anyone he want after all he's not the only one who wants to lead and have had a privileged life, people change parties until they find where they fit, I think people like you who are learned should be preaching how we are all equal in law some people are lucky they come from rich families should we condem them and denie them equal rights, all you need to is challege his policies show us how bad or unworkable they could be but not incitements, you are a very dangerous person
  • maskinisonko
  • Pheroze, your story is not fiction but fact!  But you know sometimes fact is stranger than fiction.

    PNU Alliance was initially the acronym for Power Nil Unity Alliance. Likewise UDF was said to be abbreviation of United Deceptors' Fraternity. May be later they were changed as you have said here.

    Meanwhile it's doubtful if Ageing Freedom got all he wanted from Uncle Dan. There was also the Uncle's youngest son and his ring of thugs watching the discussion keenly.

    Ageing Freedom wanted a re-branding of KANU, from KANU to KANU. Uncle Dan really couldn't quite get the logic behind it.  When he was assured  KANU will remain KANU, but it will be re-branded as KANU, the acronym for Kenya Alliance National Union, he marveled at the sharp intelligence of his adopted son, and agreed. He was at least gratified that under the Ageing Freedom, all the original characteristics of KANU would be preserved.

    Further details of the discussion and what they agreed in the meetings that followed are kept under wraps, lest they should leak to the advantage of the adversaries.

    Uncle Dan remembered he had read Shakespeare in his junior high school/intermediate class where he called it quits to serve the nation. The famous verse from Romeo and Juliet came to mind:
                                  "What's in a name? That which we call a rose
                                   By any other name would smell as sweet."

    History has a tendency to repeat itself. Like Uncle Dan, like Ageing Freedom!
  • polke
    Gosh the exercise for this week : to cram all those new abbreviations ! Happy New Year 2012 !

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