
Monday, December 5, 2011

High school teacher raids watchman’s ‘kraal’

Residents of Obumba sub-location, Kisumu County were recently treated to a spectacular scene after a local watchman found his porridge being stirred by a secondary school teacher.
Gabriel who works as a night watchman had been overheard lamenting that his wife’s dress code had suddenly changed.
"She has totally changed, this is not the woman I married — look at the kind of clothes she is now wearing," he had whispered to a colleague.
Gabriel says that the wife had been working for the teacher in his sugarcane farm as a way of supplementing his meagre income.
"I earn very little and her idea of working for Japuonj (as the teacher is known by villagers) was a godsend. We have three children and I couldn’t manage with my paltry earnings, so I gave her the go ahead", Gabriel explains.
After working for a fortnight on Japuonj’s farm, the watchman suspected something fishy was going on between his wife and her boss. Japounj does not stay with his wife who is also a secondary school teacher in a neighbouring district.
"After that short duration, my wife bought trousers and could be seen with Japuonj in the evenings after my departure to town," says the angry watchman.
"I didn’t want to do something bad to Japuonj before confirming the allegations, so I used my younger brother to spy on them," he says.
After confirming that the village role model was licking from his ‘bowl’, he went ahead and set an ambush for the lovebirds.
Gabriel informed Japuonj’s wife, who had also heard rumours that her husband was fooling around.
The two went ahead with their plan as earlier agreed. Japuonj’s wife visited without letting him know she was coming. The watchman left for work, as usual, but instead of going to town went to a friend’s house to buy time.
That night, Japuonj went to his newly found lover with no qualms as usual. After giving them a headstart, Japuonj’s wife accompanied Gabriel to his a house, which Japuonj had been using as his ‘slaughter house’ without fear.
Japounj’s fortunes changed drastically when they stormed into the room shouting wildly. News spread swiftly leaving the entire village stunned to the core.
"Japuonj of all people? And with the watchman’s wife? Wololo!"
Fortunately, two village elders were among the first to arrive at the highly charged scene where the enraged husband was baying for Japuonj’s blood and calmed things down. Further, they warned those present to discuss the episode in low tones, arguing that since the offender was a respectable teacher in a neighbouring school, the incident could mess up his career.
"Wachni nyalo ketho ne japuony tich, walose uru kianyual," (this issue might ruin Japuonj’s career. Lets discuss it at family level), the elders pleaded.
Japuony is the only relatively senior government employee in the area, therefore, the villagers had to follow the advice of elders lest they lose him.
The situation particularly called for tactful diplomacy because the teacher was a major economic pillar. He was known to contribute generously towards the purchase of coffins for the dead in the community.

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