
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Corridors of Power

A bodyguard attached to a prominent politician from Nyanza is in trouble following allegations that he tortured his nephew to death. The cop is said to have been called in by the young man's mother who is his first cousin who had asked him to intervene when the young man arrived home drunk and became violent. The bodyguard reportedly prepared a concoction using peppers and sisal fluid which he then inserted into the boy's genitals before administering a thorough beating as punishment. After the beating, the young man was taken to his hut to nurse his injuries and reflect on his behaviour. A few hours later, when his younger sister went to check on him, she found him dead. The young man was buried last week but his mother is now demanding answers from the bodyguard.

The holiday season offered Makadara MP Mike Mbuvi Sonko with yet another opportunity to put on his theatrics. On Christmas day, Sonko diverted two bulls which he had donated to Buru Buru police station and instead gave them to Industrial Area Remand Prison. Sonko's change of heart came after the police at Buru Buru reportedly manhandled him when they dispersed residents protesting their eviction from Maringo estate. Other gifts which he had intended to give to the police were distributed to private security firms in the constituency.

An MP from Central Kenya is increasingly finding himself isolated by his colleagues— some of them his close friends — over fears that he is an National Security Intelligence Service informer. Several days ago, his colleagues failed to inform him of a meeting the MPs were holding to discuss the progress of their political party. Somehow, the MP learnt of the meeting and gatecrashed the venue to the dismay of the other MPs who hurriedly wrapped up their meeting.
A former Kanu activist from Naivasha is said to have been trying to blackmail a senior chief executive officer of a pararastatal in the Energy ministry who has persistently refused to succumb to the man's overtures.

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