
Friday, December 30, 2011

1,700 police officers transferred

Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere over Christmas holidays transferred more than 1700 junior officers in a major reshuffle affecting both units of the police service across the country. Among those transferred were 295 inspectors and 1418 police constables. The officers affected were from the General Duty section, Criminal Investigations Department , General Service Unit , Anti Stock Theft Unit, Traffic Department and other units such Railways and Tourism.
Iteere said the changes were normal and in line with police procedures where officers are not supposed to serve in one station for more than three years. Also affected most were CID officers in Nairobi’s Kasarani division, Naivasha, Nakuru and Central provinces. CID Director said the changes were aimed at bringing efficiency and ensuring quality service delivery to Kenyans. The changes were announced on December 24 and the affected officers have three weeks to report to their new stations.

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