
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Raila blocks Aladwa win in Nairobi

By David Mwere
Prime Minister Raila Odinga arrives at a function in Kerugoya yesterday PHOTO By DOMNIC ODHIAMBO
ODM is headed for severe disintergration in Nairobi after the party headquatters moved to nullify the election of Nairobi mayor George Aladwa as the party Chairman in Nairobi County.
THe move was taken after Prime Minister Raila Odinga intervened following complaint from Starehe MP Dr Margaret Wanjiru who had boycotted the elections after protesting the manner in which the polls were conducted.
Aladwa who had also beaten former Makadara MP Reuben Ndolo at sub branch In her petition to the election board, the Starehe
Wanjiru  who is also the Housing Assistant minister blamed her rivals of infusing a fake list of delegates at the county hall, the venue of the exercise, to tilt the result in their favor.
“The lists presented by these individuals are at complete discrepancy of the actual aftermath at the grassroots returns,” Wanjiru had complained after storming out of the venue.
In his ruling, board chairman Phillip Okundi says the party had taken the decision to ensure the end result of the grassroots election that started on 24 November, 2011 as a route aimed at complying with the political parties’ act and the constitution, reflects the true picture of the party’s supporters countrywide.
“The ODM party wants to ensure that all the leaders elected in the exercise constitute the true aspirations of the party members on the gound. The era of imposing leaders on Kenyans is long gone,” noted Okundi.
Immediately after the announcement, Aladwa promised to prove his skeptics wrong by winning the influential county seat.
“I will not be mashed into stepping out of the process. Am open to a transparent public audit that can only reflect the people’s wishes,” Aladwa vowed.
The ODM elections have attracted a great share of fierce competition between incumbents and hopefuls where the former, in their majorities have fallen by the wayside in what analysts predict a new wave that could trigger the outcome of the party’s 2012 general elections.
The process will culminate in the election of the party’s national office bearers and the presidential candidate at a national delegate’s convention expected early next year.
Several ODM MPs have been defeated inthe grassroot elections.they include its Secretary General Prof. Anyang Nyongo,Fred Gumo,John Mbadi among others.

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