Monday, August 1, 2011

Raila and Uhuru in search of votes

Prime Minister Raila Odinga (left) and deputy PM Uhuru Kenyatta during a parliamentary group meeting at KICC August 16,2010.
Photo/FILE Prime Minister Raila Odinga (left) and deputy PM Uhuru Kenyatta during a parliamentary group meeting at KICC August 16,2010.  
Posted  Sunday, July 31  2011 at  22:30

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Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Sunday asked the Luo to reach out to other communities to support his presidential bid as Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta defended Prof Sam Ongeri over corruption claims.
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“Whenever I go across the country, Kenyans confess that they are ready to vote for me but claim Luos may not respect other communities when I win elections,” he said.
Mr Odinga urged his kinsmen to therefore re-package themselves and discount fears that Luos may not pay rents when he becomes president.
He was at the burial in Ndhiwa with his wife Ida Odinga and the Regional Commissioner for South Nyanza Erastus Ekidor, among other leaders where he said he would win in the next general elections.
“I am optimistic that I will emerge victorious in the forthcoming General election and become the President for all Kenyans and not of the Luo Community,” he said.
The PM added that Kenyan leaders should preach peace and unity and scoffed at his rivals who were campaigning against him.
He said he would not engage in the elections date debate as the Supreme Court will do so.
The ODM leader said the party was considering allowing elections of women and youth leaders and said ODM was committed to holding transparent and democratic polls.
Mrs Ida Odinga said she was disappointment with girls’ performance in Ndhiwa in last year’s KCSE.
Arguing that Mr Raila ‘sacked’ Mr Ongeri because of seeking political mileage, Mr Uhuru Kenyatta on Sunday supported his Cabinet colleague Prof Ongeri over the missing Sh4.2 billion Free Education Funds saying they got lost between 2003 and 2007 when Prof Ongeri was not in Education ministry or even an MP.
He was with MPs Eugene Wamalwa (Saboti) and Wilfred Ombui (North Mugirango Borabu) with Kanu delegates from Nyamira and Kisii at Prof Ongeri’s home in Borabu where he said the G7 would have a presidential candidate - Mr William Ruto, Eugene Wamalwa or any other popular candidate - and called for peace in the 2012 elections.

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