
Monday, August 1, 2011

Our leaders must show direction

An open letter to the President, the Prime Minister and the current crop of Members of Parliament.
I have previously applauded you for work well done or criticised you for failure in service delivery to Kenyans.
This time I am here to urge you to wake up and save the dying Kenyans from the hunger that has stricken most parts of the country.
The looming natural catastrophe that is said to be one of the worst in the last 68 years seems to have dissipated and if you don’t stop mere politicking and unleash more energy on how to save the lives of dying Kenyans you will owe Kenyans a big explanation.
The North Eastern Province lies in Kenyan territory and people living there are also wananchi who deserve equal treatment. They deserve a spirited move to save them from the ravaging famine that has continued to claim the lives and their domestic animals.
This being a coalition government, we expected it to be able to deliver to Kenyans through accountability and transparency but , alas, this coalition government has failed completely.
Your Excellency, Prime Minister and MPs, you will agree the coalition government has not worked or delivered as expected in its formation, but rather the current crop of MPs have evolved in pure politics of protecting their seats come 2012, succession politics, evading tax payment and pointing fingers at each others’ failure at the cost of dying Kenyan citizens.
The new Constitution stands for us all as people under one nation. Every mwananchi has the right to food, water and shelter but the current government has failed to fulfil the passing law to make sure the Constitution that was overwhelmingly passed by Kenyans is implemented promptly and on the schedule.
Mr President, while I applaud you for your diplomatic measures towards resolving disputes with our neighbouring countries, please, we need our Migingo and Ugingo Islands back and our Kenyan military to keep watch on Kenyan borders. Kenyans are worried due to rising insecurity where thugs have gone hi-tech even to the extent of acquiring police communication gadgets. Where is our Internal security Minister?
May God bless our current leaders and come 2012 may He give Kenya good leaders with wisdom and tenacity to serve wananchi wazalendo.
Murithi Ikirima is based in Tampa, Florida

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